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By: K. Karlen, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Medical Instructor, Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Phospholipid anti bodies and lupus anticoagulants are found with increased fre quency in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases, especially lupus erythematosus. Interfering factors Patients who have or had syphilis infections can have a false positive result. Falsepositive results have been seen in patients who take such medications as chlorpromazine, hydralazine, penicillin, phen ytoin, procainamide, and quinidine. This antibody is particularly helpful in identifying patients with druginduced lupus erythematosus from drugs such as procain amide, quinidine, penicillamine, hydralazine, methyldopa, iso niazid, and acebutolol. The citrullinated peptide antigen is formed by the intermediary conversion of the amino acid ornithine to argi nine. This increases the amount of free water in the bloodstream and causes a very concentrated urine. Again, in this instance, a dilute urine created by excretion of high volumes of free water may occur. During this test, water intake is restricted, and urine osmolality is measured before and after vasopressin is adminis tered. Blood levels of important serum ions diminish, causing severe neurologic, cardiac, and metabolic alter ations. Usually this test is done concomitant with measurements of urine and serum osmolality. Furthermore, their urine osmolality will never be <100, and the urine/serum ratio is >100. Patients with other hyponatremia, edematous states, or chronic renal diseases will excrete up to 80% of the water load and will develop midrange osmolality results. Low to intermediate levels of this antibody may be found in patients with other rheumatic diseases and in those with chronic hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, and biliary cirrhosis. These antibodyantigen complexes that occur with autoimmune disease are not only diagnostic but are major contributors to the disease process. These complexes induce the complement system, which then may cause local or systemic tissue injury. Interfering factors A radioactive scan performed within 1 week before the test may alter the test results. However, it is not present in patients with most other rheumatoidcollagen diseases. Goodpasture syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by the presence of antibodies circulating against antigens in the basement membrane of the renal glomerular and the pulmonary alveoli.

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Health status of workers with past exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin in the manufacture of 2, 4, 5trichlorophenoxyacetic acid: Comparison of fndings with and without chloracne. Obesity and fatty liver are prevented by inhibition of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in both female and male mice. The dioxin receptor is silenced by promoter hypermethylation in human acute lymphoblastic leukemia through inhibition of Sp1 binding. Codistillation of Agent Orange and other persistent organic pollutants in evaporative water distillation. Ligand activation of the Ah receptor contributes to gastroin testinal homeostasis. A casecontrol study of brain gliomas and occupational exposure to chemical carcinogens: the risks to farmers. Exposures to multiple pesticides and the risk of Hodgkin lymphoma in Canadian men. Role of the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor and [Ah] gene battery in the oxidative stress response, cell cycle control, and apoptosis. Occupational pesticide exposure and respiratory health: A largescale crosssectional study in three commercial farming systems in Ethiopia. Association between Agent Orange and birth defects: Systematic review and metaanalysis. Infuence of maternal exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlorodibenzo pdioxin on socioemotional behaviors in offspring rats. Expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor, infammatory cytokines, and incidence of rheumatoid arthritis in Vietnamese dioxinexposed people. Altered thyroxin and retinoid metabolic response to 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin in aryl hydrocarbon receptornull mice. Dioxininduced upregulation of the active form of vitamin D is the main cause for its inhibitory action on osteoblast activities, leading to developmental bone toxicity. Neuronal death and survival under oxidative stress in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. Agricultural work during pregnancy and selected structural malformations in Finland. Exocrine pancreatic pathology in female Harlan SpragueDawley rats after chronic treatment with 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin and dioxinlike compounds. Olfactory epithelial metaplasia and hyperplasia in female Harlan SpragueDawley rats following chronic treatment with polychlorinated biphenyls. Evalua tion of immuno and reproductive toxicities and association between immunotoxicological and genotoxicological parameters in waste incineration workers. Dioxin stimulates synthesis and secretion of IgEdependent histamine releasing factor.

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Diagram of electron micrograph of holes in the red cell membrane created by complement. Marrow Response to Hemolysis Erythroid hyperplasia is seen in the marrow within two days of an acute hemolytic episode. The reticulocyte count begins to rise in three to four days, but a new steady state is achieved only after two to three months of chronic hemolysis. The normal marrow is capable of increasing its daily output of red cells at least fivefold in response to chronic hemolysis. Thus, a red cell life span as short as 20 days may be associated with a normal hemoglobin. Under intense stimulation, the marrow becomes very hypercellular, erythroid elements replace marrow fat, and active marrow expands in the axial skeleton, long bones, and skull. In children with severe hereditary hemolytic anemias, hematopoiesis may resume in organs such as the liver and spleen that produced red cells in the embryo. Tumorlike masses of erythropoietic cells also may develop along the vertebrae, representing extensions of marrow through the thin vertebral bony cortex. Production of blood cells outside the marrow cavity is known as extramedullary hematopoiesis. When hemolysis is extravascular, iron released from the brokendown red cells is efficiently shuttled back to the erythroid marrow for the manufacture of new hemoglobin. The expansion of marrow mass and the efficient recycling of iron account for the ability of the marrow to increase red cell production to as much as 58x normal. Aplastic Crisis In association with Parvovirus B19 infections, anyone may have a temporary, selective failure of red cell production. This is a selflimited red cell aplasia lasting about a week, associated with a flulike illness. If a normal marrow shuts down for seven days, there will be a trivial fall in hematocrit of 7/120, from 45% to approximately 42. On the other hand, a patient whose red cell survival is only 10 days destroys and replaces 1/10 of the cells daily. If erythrocyte production ceases for a week while destruction continues at the previous rate, approximately 7/10 of the red cells will be destroyed and the hematocrit will fall precipitously. Such an aplastic crisis may occur in any chronic hemolytic anemia, and is recognized by the disappearance of reticulocytes from the blood and normoblasts from the marrow. Folic Acid Deficiency Folic acid requirements are increased in chronic hemolysis and may exceed the amounts supplied by a normal diet. The occurrence of folate deficiency is marked by worsening anemia, decreasing reticulocyte counts, hypersegmented neutrophils and macrocytes on peripheral smear, and megaloblastic changes in the marrow. All patients with chronic hemolysis should be given a daily folic acid supplement. Skeletal Abnormalities When the marrow space is massively expanded, it can deform surrounding bones.

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Table 916 summarizes the aver age requirement for absorbed and dietary iron for each trimester. To estimate the needs of pregnant adolescents, the approach described above was followed with the notable exception that for adolescents the factorial model included basal losses and iron depo sition in tissue as computed for adolescents. The fact that birth weights for adolescent mothers tend to be lower than for older women was ignored. Until menstruation resumes, assumed to be after 6 months of exclusive breast feeding, median iron needs during lactation are estimated as the sum of iron secretion in human milk and basal iron losses calculated for nonpregnant, nonlactating women (0. For adolescent lactating mothers, the approach was identical to the one above except that in addition to basal losses (0. Again, a simulation model was used to derive the ninetyseven and onehalf percentile of need. To estimate the total iron requirement for lactation, iron secreted in milk and basal iron loss must be add ed by means of simulated distribution. The variability of re quirement was based on basal needs modeled as described for non pregnant, nonlactating women and milk secretion modeled from the above distribution. Although many studies have documented lower menstrual blood losses among women using oral contraceptives, only one study actually allowed estimation of the magnitude of reduction, compared to expected loss. A reanalysis of data from that study (Nilsson and Solvell, 1967) suggested that a reasonable estimate of effect would be the equivalent of a 60 per cent reduction from expected loss. Therefore, the requirement at the fiftieth and ninetyseven and onehalf percentile for adolescent girls taking oral contraceptives is 6. Vegetarianism As previously discussed, iron is more bioavailable from meat than from plantderived foods. Therefore, nonheme iron absorption is lower for those consuming vegetarian diets than for those eating non vegetarian diets (Hunt and Roughead, 1999). Serum ferritin con centrations have been observed to be markedly lower in vegetarian men, women, and children than in those consuming a nonvegetarian diet (Alexander et al. Cook and coworkers (1991) compared iron bioavailability from single meals with that of a diet consumed over a 2week period. It is therefore estimated that the bioavailability of iron from a vegetarian diet is approximately 10 percent, rather than the 18 per cent from a mixed Western diet.