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By: Z. Jens, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

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It has been suggested that irradiation beyond 1 kGy caused membrane damage, since ethylene production is membrane associated [136]. A shift from glycolysis toward the pentose phosphate shunt in bananas and toward the glyoxylate cycle in bananas and mangoes was observed [125]. At higher doses, climacteric fruits may not ripen normally and may develop uneven coloring and skin discoloration [136]. Fruits suffer physiological disorders when exposed to radiation beyond their limits of tolerance. These undesirable symptoms are mainly tissue softening and enzymatic browning [53]. Tissue softening is caused by (i) partial depoly merization of cell wall polysaccharides, mainly cellulose and pectins [19] and (ii) damage to cell membrane [132]. Enzymatic browning is an indication of cell decompartmentation due to damage of membranes, thus bringing phenolic substrates in contact with polyphenoloxidases [120]. The damage to the cell membrane may result in (i) loss of intracellular water, (ii) cell turgescence, and (iii) oxidative attack on polyunsaturated fatty acids of membrane lipids [136]. The oxidation can be minimized by irra diating in an atmosphere with reduced oxygen content, but treatment efficiency is reduced. Thus, low-dose irradiation combined with modified atmosphere is increasingly considered for control of microorganisms and delayed ripening. Couture and Willemot [16] showed the synergistic action of irradiation combined with high carbon dioxide for control of mold development on strawberries. A decay incidence of Rhizopus stolonifer and Botrytis cinerea on strawberries packaged under 7% oxygen and 20% carbon dioxide and irradiated at 1 kGy was reported [11]. Spices imported into Western Europe are often heavily contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms as a consequence of open air drying procedures [57]. The prevalent microorganisms of pepper are Clostridium, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Aspergillus, and Fusarium species. Kwon and Yoon [61] reported that the content of diallyl disulfide in garlic was slightly reduced with an irradia tion of 0. No difference was observed in the contents of diallyl disulfide upon compari son of 0. The irradiated bulbs showed no difference in odor during storage when compared with untreated bulbs [18]. At the end of 8 months of storage, both irradiated and untreated samples showed a significant increase in diallyl disulfide.

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Seasoning mixes dry, bases, extracts, dried broths and stock/juice, freeze dry trail mix products with meat. Examples are provided to assist manufacturers in identifying appropriate product Reference Amount. Reference Amount for the prepared (3) If the Reference Amounts are in product as established in paragraph (b) compatible units, they shall be of this section. If the Ref tation or substitute product or altered erence Amounts are in incompatible product as defined in 317. If the serving data, shall be submitted on separate size declared on the product label dif sheets, suitably identified. If such data fers from the Reference Amount, and has already been submitted with an the product meets the criteria for the earlier labeling application from the claim only on the basis of the Ref applicant, the present labeling applica erence Amount, the claim shall be fol tion must provide the data. Category or Reference Amount identi (7) Labeling applications for a new fied in paragraph (b) of this section. Reference Amount and/or Product Cat (1) Labeling applications and sup egory shall be accompanied by the fol porting documentation to be filed lowing data which shall be submitted under this section shall be submitted in the following form to the Director, in quadruplicate, except that the sup Food Labeling Division, Regulatory porting documentation may be sub Programs, Food Safety and Inspection mitted on a computer disc copy. However, any reference to beling application; unpublished information furnished by a (ii) A description of the product; person other than the applicant will (iii) A complete sample product label in not be considered unless use of such in cluding nutrition label, using the format es formation is authorized (with the un tablished by regulation; derstanding that such information may (iv) A description of the form in which the in whole or part be subject to release product will be marketed; to the public) in a written statement (v) the intended dietary uses of the prod signed by the person who submitted it. Reference (xiii) A statement concerning the feasi Amounts for foods shall be expressed in bility of convening associations, corpora grams except when common household units tions, consumers, and other interested par such as cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons are ties to engage in negotiated rulemaking to more appropriate or are more likely to pro develop a proposed rule. For example, common house Yours very truly, hold measures would be more appropriate if Applicant lllllllllllllll products within the same category differ By lllllllllllllllllll substantially in density such as mixed dishes measurable with a cup. Such notice (2) For quantities less than 10 grams, exact shall inform the applicant that the la gram weights shall be used. Data tion is either being considered for fur must include sample size, and the mean, ther review or that it has been sum standard deviation, median, and modal con marily denied by the Administrator. All summarily denied by the Adminis data must be derived from the same survey trator, the written notification shall data. The notification letter shall the labeling application from the rest of the products in the category. Any such determination review of an answer, determines the by the Secretary shall be conclusive initial determination to be correct, the unless, within 30 days after receipt of Administrator shall file with the Hear notice of such final determination, the ing Clerk of the Department the notifi applicant appeals to the United States cation, answer, and the request for a Court of Appeals for the circuit in hearing, which shall constitute the which the applicant has its principal complaint and answer in the pro place of business or to the United ceeding, which shall thereafter be con States Court of Appeals for the District ducted in accordance with the Depart of Columbia Circuit. The by the Secretary shall be conclusive proposal shall also summarize the la unless, within 30 days after receipt of beling application, including where the the notice of such final determination, supporting documentation can be re the applicant appeals to the United viewed. These state nent in type style compared to the ments shall be known as relative statement of identity. Such a claim might be, less of the type of product that includes the than 10 g of fat per serving;? product that bears the claim. The nu (2) the use of the statement on the trient value for the reference product product implicitly characterizes the shall be representative of a broad base level of the nutrient in the product and of products of that type;. Such representations may be made by (4) the requirements of this section statements, photographs, or vignettes. November 27, 1991, are not subject to (p)(1) Unless otherwise specified, the the requirements of paragraph (b) of reference amount customarily con this section whether or not they meet sumed set forth in 317.

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Affected infants may excrete the virus for months to years and are often a concern to personnel caring for them. Standard precautions, especially good hand washing after diaper changes, is particularly important for pregnant personnel. Most infections (80%) are acquired in the intrapartum period as ascending infections with ruptured membranes (4-6 h is considered a critical period for this to occur) or by delivery through an infected cervix or vagina. The usual portals of entry for the virus are the skin, eyes, mouth, and respiratory tract. Once colonization occurs, the virus may spread by contiguity or via a hematogenous route. The risk of genital herpes infection may vary with maternal age, socioeconomic status, and number of sexual partners. Only ~25-33% of cases have signs or symptoms of genital herpes at the time of labor and delivery despite having active infection. More than 20% of infants with disseminated disease and 30-40% of infants with encephalitis will never have skin vesicles. Localized infections involving the skin, eyes, or oral cavity usually manifest at 10-11 days of age and account for ~40% of neonatal herpes. Skin lesions vary from discrete vesicles to large bullous lesions and occasionally denude the skin. Even with treatment, there is still a risk of neurologic sequelae, usually manifested between 6 and 12 months of age. Disseminated disease carries the worst prognosis with respect to mortality and long-term sequelae. Approximately one half of these cases also have localized disease as described previously. Presentation with bleeding and cardiovascular collapse may be sudden and rapidly fatal. Without antiviral therapy, 80% or more die, and most go on to have serious neurologic sequelae. The mortality rate remains as high as 55%, even with appropriate treatment; however, 40-55% of survivors suffer long-term neurologic impairment. Clinical manifestations of encephalitis include seizures (focal and generalized), lethargy, irritability, tremors, poor feeding, temperature instability, a bulging fontanelle, and pyramidal tract signs. These infants usually present at 15-17 days of age (30-40% will have no herpetic skin lesions), and the mortality rate is ~17%; however, it may be as high as 50% in untreated patients. Of survivors, 40% have long term neurologic sequelae, such as psychomotor retardation. Surface cultures obtained before 24-48 h of life may indicate exposure without infection. Recovery of virus from spinal fluid and characteristic lesions indicates infection regardless of the age of the infant. Cytologic examination of the base of skin vesicles is with a Giemsa or Wright stain, looking for characteristic but nonspecific giant cells and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions.

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In der may regress and become chronic or progress to involve adults, this occurs by autoinoculation of a person with the prostate, epididymis, and periurethral glands with genital infection. Chronic infection leads to prostati? progress to panophthalmitis and loss of the eye unless this and urethral strictures. Differential Diagnosis conjunctival gonorrhea the recommendation is for ceftri? axone (1 g intramuscularly) plus azithromycin (1000 mg Gonococcal urethritis or cervicitis must be differentiated orally as a single dose). Treatment ofOther Infections monas, Candida, and many other pathogens associated with sexually transmitted diseases; and pelvic infamma? Disseminated gonococcal infection (including arthritis and tory disease, arthritis, proctitis, and skin lesions. Often, arthritis-dermatitis syndromes) should be treated with several such pathogens coexist in a patient. Reactive arthri? cefriaxone (1 g intravenously daily) plus azithromycin this (urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis) may mimic gonor? (1000 mg orally as a single dose), until 48 hours after rhea or coexist with it. Endocarditis should be treated with ceftriaxone (2 g every 24 hours intrave? Prevention is based on education and mechanical or nously) for at least 4 weeks. The condom, if properly used, can Pelvic inflammatory disease requires cefoxitin (2 g par? reduce the risk of infection. Effective drugs taken in thera? enterally every 6 hours) or cefotetan (2 g intravenously peutic doses within 24 hours of exposure can abort an every 12 hours) plus doxycycline (100 mg every 12 hours). Partner notification and referral of contacts for Clindamycin (900 mg intravenously every 8 hours) plus treatment has been the standard method used to control gentamicin (administered intravenously as a 2-mg/kg load? sexually transmitted diseases. Ceftriaxone (250 mg intramuscularly as a single dose) effective than partner notification in reducing persistence or cefoxitin (2 g intramuscularly) plus probenecid (1 g and recurrence rates of gonorrhea and chlamydia. This orally as a single dose) plus doxycycline (100 mg twice a strategy is being increasingly adopted as a means of disease day for 14 days), with or without metronidazole (500 mg control. Screening for gonorrhea and Chlamydia: a sys? that are resistant to penicillin, tetracycline, or ciprofoxacin tematic review for the U. The Due to increasing resistance ofN gonorrhoeae to cephalo? incubation period is 3-5 days. Treatment for gonorrhea should soft ulcer with a necrotic base, surrounding erythema, and include a higher dose of intramuscular ceftriaxone in undermined edges. There may be multiple lesions due to combination with a second drug (azithromycin or doxycy? autoinoculation. The adenitis is usually unilateral and con? cline) regardless of concern for possible secondary infec? sists of tender, matted nodes of moderate size with overly? tion with chlamydia. These may become fuctuant and rupture infections of the cervix, urethra, and rectum, the recom? spontaneously. With lymph node involvement, fever, chills, mended treatment is ceftriaxone (250 mg intramuscu? and malaise may develop. Balanitis and phimosis are fre? larly) plus azithromycin (1000 mg orally as a single dose). Women may have no external In cases where an oral cephalosporin is the only option, signs of infection. The diagnosis is established by culturing cefixime, 400 mg orally as a single dose, can be combined a swab of the lesion onto a special medium.

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