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Las manifestaciones de constituyen las enfermedades infecciosas las infecciones viricas son muy variables, mas frecuentes del ser humano. Los ninos con un espectro clinico que incluye des pueden presentar entre seis y ocho infec de infecciones leves, que pueden ser aten ciones respiratorias al ano, muchas de las didas de forma ambulatoria, a formas mas cuales, sobre todo las que ocurren en el graves que precisan hospitalizacion de periodo de lactante, afectan a las vias res duracion variable. En los menores de the puede dar lugar a cuadros clinicos muy dos anos, estas infecciones suponen una de distintos, mientras que varios agentes las causas mas frecuentes de hospitaliza infecciosos pueden dar lugar a varios sin cion, originando numerosas consultas medi dromes semejantes, no diferenciables cli cas tanto a nivel de Atencion Primaria como nicamente. Con las premisas anterio fundamentalmente crisis asmaticas y neu res haremos un diagnostico sindromico monias(11). Posteriormente se abordara el diag frecuentes, aunque tambien existen datos nostico virologico de forma conjunta. Los cua tan a ninos de todas las edades, si bien pre dros clinicos en pacientes extrahospitala dominan por debajo de los cinco anos y rios son cuadros catarrales de vias altas, son especialmente prevalentes en meno bronquiolitis, sibilancias recurrentes y res de dos anos. El sig del 50% de las infecciones que originan nificado clinico de las co detecciones vira hospitalizacion. Es tambien frecuen que se asocian son bronquiolitis y episo the encontrar infecciones mixtas viricas y dios de sibilancias recurrentes como cau bacterianas. Queda por aclarar si las infec sas mas frecuentes de hospitalizacion, ciones virales favorecen la posible seguidos por neumonias, laringitis, sin sobreinfeccion bacteriana(19). Principales virus respiratorios, caracteristicas y cuadros clinicos mas frecuentes. Gripe Lactantes: sindromes febriles, sibilancias recurrentes, bronquiolitis, neumonias. Principales virus respiratorios, caracteristicas y cuadros clinicos mas frecuentes (continuacion). Sin embargo, definire gia virica en un importante porcentaje de mos brevemente cada cuadro clinico y los casos. Dado que existe un protocolo espe principales virus que suelen ocasionar cifico al respecto, se remite al lector a este estas patologias. Infecciones de vias altas Laringitis Infeccion respiratoria de vias altas Concepto: obstruccion de la via aerea Concepto: rinorrea y/o tos sin sibilan superior acompanada de estridor con o sin cias, disnea o crepitantes ni uso de bron fiebre. Infecciones respiratorias virales 193 Aunque estos virus son los mas frecuen sodio similar previo, en ninos menores de tes cualquier otro virus respiratorio pue 2 anos. Actualmente el termino mas Bronquiolitis utilizado y aceptado es el de episodio de Concepto: es una infeccion aguda de sibilancias asociado a infeccion virica. El causa viral que afecta a las vias aereas termino asma del lactante hace referencia inferiores y que tras un periodo catarral a la presencia de al menos 3 episodios de cursa fundamentalmente con obstruccion sibilancias y/o tos en un marco clinico en e inflamacion de los bronquiolos termi el que el diagnostico de asma es el mas nales inferiores. Clinicamente se caracte probable y se han excluido otros diagnos riza por ser el primer episodio de taquip ticos menos frecuentes(23). Neumonia Un porcentaje no despreciable (hasta un Concepto: infiltrado focal con conso 10%) de los lactantes ingresados por bron lidacion en la radiografia de torax en quiolitis desarrollan apnea. Las bronquiolitis casos la apnea es una de las primeras mani o episodios de sibilancias recurrentes se festaciones de la enfermedad, constituyen acompanan a menudo de infiltrados radio do la prematuridad un factor de riesgo.

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Battery button: A button on the System Controller user interface that shows a small battery symbol. Battery Charger: A device that charges, calibrates, and tests the HeartMate 14 Volt Lithium Ion batteries that are used to power the HeartMate 3 Left Ventricular Assist System. Battery Power Gauge: A set of lighted bars that indicate how much battery power is available. Each HeartMate 14 Volt Lithium Ion battery has its own 5 light on board battery power gauge that shows the battery charge level. The power gauge on the System Controller has four bars and one diamond shaped light. The System Controller battery power gauge is used during battery powered operation. Glossary 4 HeartMate 3 Left Ventricular Assist System Instructions for Use Glossary G Battery Powered Operation: Using two HeartMate 14 V Lithium Ion batteries to power the system. Using batteries to power the system is appropriate when users are active, outdoors, or when electrical power is unavailable. C Cautions: Actions to avoid that could damage equipment or affect how the system works. Although important for system function, cautions do not usually relate to life threatening risks. Controller Alarm Fault: An advisory alarm that occurs when an internal malfunction in the System Controller has occurred that requires clinician diagnosis and resolution. Controller Driveline Connector: Connector permanently attached to the Driveline that connects the pump to the System Controller. Driveline: the Driveline connects the pump to the System Controller, which then connects to a power source. Data about system operation is transferred through the Driveline to the System Controller. Extended Alarm Silence: Allows the audio portion of the alarm to be silenced in order to allow the user to troubleshoot the situation without the audio alarm present. HeartMate 3 Left Ventricular Assist System Instructions for Use Glossary 5 G Glossary F Fixed Speed Mode: An operating mode where the pump is set at a constant or fixed? speed. G H Hazard Alarm: Hazard alarms occur when the pump has stopped working or is about to stop working. HeartMate 3 Left Ventricular Assist System: Includes the implanted pump and Driveline (including the Modular Cable), as well as the System Controller, power sources (Power Module, Mobile Power Unit, or batteries), and accessories. I Inflow Cannula: A small tube that connects the pump to the left ventricle of the heart. This special hospital unit is where new Left Ventricular Assist System patients receive intensive care, usually just after pump implant.

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During the follow up of the first five patients in the country, a condition that may help to improve years, 80% had at least one hospital admission, mainly due to knowledge about the disease among healthcare providers. Origins of cystic fibrosis lung of 30% of children and adolescents (up to 17 years old) with signs of disease. Examining data future directions in education, health policy, and outcomes research. Bronchiectasis in infants and preschool respiratory symptoms, with or without troublesome infections, and children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis after newborn screening. Evolution of cystic fibrosis lung function in the early Excluding the two patients with meconium ileus who spend very years. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient isolates were sensitive to the antibiotics tested. Luisa Pereira All of the patients are growing quite well and without major Respiratory Unit. In Portugal, cystic fibrosis was included in the newborn screening program in November 2013, enabling an early diagnosis and treatment, attempting to prevent/postpone its complications, thus Epidemiology, Clinical Features, Health Resources and improving the prognosis. The new Teresa Bandeira patients are no longer very sick children with families desperately Pediatric Respiratory Unit. Almost all patients have been graphic features, environmental exposures and geographies. Only five patients have never Pneumonia is also a leading indication for pediatric hospitalization been admitted during their first year of life (nor have they later). Moreover, prediction of severity may reduce pneumonia in childhood that is sensitive, specific, and can be widely broad spectrum antibiotic use and decrease hospitalization among implemented. Predicting Severe Pneumonia As in other countries, Portugal has published a clinical orientation Outcomes in Children. The definition of pneumonia, is best informed by an accurate assessment of severity of illness at the assessment of severity, and clinical standardization in the presentation and an assessment of a likely prognosis. The diagnosis and assessment of severity of bronchiolitis is made by history and physical examination? Bronchiolitis Consider the diagnosis in children younger than 2 years of age Luiz Vicente Ribeiro F da Silva Filho with a history of upper respiratory tract symptoms (coryza), Instituto da Crianca? University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil that get worse and affect the lower respiratory tract Email: vicres@usp. Acute viral bronchiolitis is one of the most common reasons for Radiographic or other laboratory studies are not routinely hospital admission in childhood, with increasing incidence in the last indicated. While the overall mortality is relatively low, its high Hospital admission must be considered for children incidence results in a very high burden, especially for low income presenting: populations 2. Therefore, treatment of acute viral bronchiolitis Donotuseanyofthefollowingtotreatbronchiolitisinchildren: remains mainly supportive 5. Global burden of acute with bronchiolitis if their oxygen saturation is persistently lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in young less than 92%. Nasogastric or intravenous fluids may be indicated for infants who cannot maintain hydration orally (less than 50?75% of the 3.

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During this time, researchers also worked to improve the formula to provide additional clinical benefts to patients. This improved formula was shown to be as safe and effective as the previous version, but also had other important clinical benefts. Breastmilk is also an excellent drink for as reducing stool volume and the need for advanced fuid replacement and should continue to be given medical care. Children receiving zinc often have to infants with diarrhoea simultaneously with greater appetites and are more active during the other oral rehydration solutions. Continuing to feed the such as antibiotics and antidiarrhoeal medications, child during the diarrhoea episode, while providing which should not be routinely administered. Children receiving food during the diarrhoea episode are also more likely to maintain their nutritional status and their ability to fght infection. Children sources, zinc defciency is widespread throughout the receiving zinc tablets appeared to recover more quickly, developing world and has been associated with higher had increased strength and appetites, and were less ill rates of infectious diseases, including diarrhoea, and than other children in their communities. Zinc stores are further mother noted that her son had gained strength and depleted during diarrhoea episodes, and supplementation energy unlike ever before,? which echoed the sentiments as a part of treatment programmes is critical for replenish of many other caregivers. The recent introduction of zinc tablets into large scale diarrhoea treatment programmes in india, Mali and Pakistan suggests that it may be even more effective 17 Diarrhoea: Why children are still dying and what can be done Preventing and treating sEcTion childhood diarrhoea: 3 Where we stand today 18 Preventing and treating childhood diarrhoea: Where we stand today 3 this section provides an update on how well countries and regions are doing in making available key measures to prevent and treat childhood diarrhoea. Prevention pathogen load than adults?, and many children play in areas in which stools are found. Safely disposing Water, sanitation and hygiene of them is therefore critical for reducing the number Improving access to safe drinking water and of diarrhoea cases. Moreover, nearly 1 access to improved drinking water sources, and in 4 people in developing countries were practising many households do not treat or safely store their indiscriminate or open defecation (Figures 6 and 7). Note:Improved sanitation facilities refer to (1) fush or pour fush to a piped water system, septic tank or pit latrine (2) ventilated improved pit latrine (3) pit latrine with slab (4) composting toilet. Unimproved sanitation refers to (1) fush or pour fush to elsewhere (2) pit latrine without slab or open pit (3) bucket (4) hanging toilet or hanging latrine (5) no facilities or bush or feld. While coverage is higher in 7 83 per cent of whom live in 13 countries urban areas, population growth presents a growing Population practising open defecation, by countries with the highest challenge in further increasing improved drinking numbers, 2006 water coverage. The lack of improved drinking Rest of the world 205million water sources also tends to curtail personal hygiene indonesia 66million practices, including handwashing. Ethiopia 52million Data on handwashing with soap are not available Pakistan 50million india through major national level household surveys China 37million 665million due to concerns about the validity of information Nigeria 29million provided by responders. Today, 129 million children under the 8 population use an improved drinking water source age of fve in the developing world are underweight Trends in the percentage of the population using improved drinking water for their age. Together, Africa and South Asia sources, by region, 2006 account for more than 80 per cent of total under 1990 2006 weight children (25 per cent and 57 per cent, 100 94 respectively) (Figure 9). Zinc is important for normal growth and develop Breastfeeding ment and for reducing childhood diarrhoea cases. Despite these immunization advances, overall levels remain low, and only 37 Only a few, mostly high and middle income per cent of infants in developing countries are countries include rotavirus vaccine in their routine exclusively breastfed for the frst six months of immunization schedules. Coverage of children Deaths due to measles have declined rapidly in aged 6 59 months with at least one dose of vitamin recent years.