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By: J. Flint, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, University of Mississippi School of Medicine

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She says that she has been unusually tired lately, frequently going to sleep at 8:30 in the evening. Ultrasound: oligohydramnios u, Potter facies: flattened nose, low-set ears, and recessed chin iii. May also have multiple hepatic cysts and congenital hepatic fibrosis Clinical Correlate I, 2. Immunofluorescence: granular depositsof IgG, IgM, and C3 throughout the glomerulus f. There is a possible entrapment of cirdisorder culating immune complexes with activation of the alternate complement pathway. Slowly progressive course, resulting in chronic renal failure over the course of 10 years ii. Electron microscopy: alternating thickening and thinning of basement membrane is seen with splitting of the lamina densa. Initially affects the glomeruli along the medullary border glomeruli are affected d. Immunofluorescence: IgM and C3 deposits in the sclerotic segments Segmental: only a portion of. Definition: the final stage of many forms of glomerular disease and is characterized by progressive renal failure, uremia, and ultimately death 2. Predisposing factors: urinary obstruction, vesicoureteral reflux, pregnancy, urethral instrumentation, diabetes mellitus, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and other renal pathology Clinical Correlate c. The tumor often invades the renal vein and may extend into the vena cava and heart. Organisms: fecal flora (Escherichia coli, proteus, klebsiella, enterobacterium) 11. Predisposing factors: benign prostatic hypertrophy, bladder calculi, and cystocele 2. Other congenital I I anomalies of the kidney include hypoplasia, horseshoe kidney, and abnormal locations. I Glomerular diseases can present with either nephritic syndrome or nephrotic syndrome. Goodpasture syndrome is characterized by a smooth and linear pattern of IgGand 0 by immunofluorescence.

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A patient with a perforated drum cannot Treatment of this condition is not satisdevelop otitic barotrauma unless the middle factory. Nonsuppurative Otitis Media and Otitic Barotrauma 79 the eustachian tube has two parts, the conscious of an increasing feeling of fullness medial collapsible part and lateral rigid patent in his ears and an increasing depression of part, so air can be blown through it easily but auditory acuity, until he feels a cracking at the it cannot be sucked out. Thus the pressure back of his nose, when the discomfort in his difference does not occur during ascent in an ear disappears and his hearing returns to aircraft when the middle ear pressure tends normal. This than the atmospheric pressure and, therefore, is not normally painful but in a person who air tries to suck in through the eustachian tube. They first feel severe pain the tympanic membrane becomes indrawn, on ascent in an aircraft and the pain is relieved and a feeling of discomfort becomes noticeeither by rupture of the drum or by descent. The patient then swallows, the eustachian tube opens and symptoms are relieved Pressure equalization Potentially patent or by a rush of air into the middle ear. The tympanic membrane increases the symptoms until pain becomes bulges outwards, increasing the capacity of intense and deafness severe. Finally, the elasticity of Pressure changes Atmospheric pressure does the eustachian tube is overcome and air is not increase in direct proportion to the decdischarged through the tube and pressure is rease in altitude. This is a passive procedure and in the middle ear are partly due to the requires no active measures to be taken by the atmospheric pressure displacing the tympanic subject, though equalisation takes place much membrane inwards but mainly due to the earlier if the subject swallows. If he does not negative pressure leaving the walls of the swallow or move his pharynx he will be blood vessels in the mucosa unsupported. Mobility of the previous inflammation in the middle ear membrane is impaired and scarring may be cavity. Aetiology Treatment Most otologists believe adhesive otitis media is a complication of inadequately treated acute Some cases of adhesive otitis media with otitis media. However, the results of surgery are not always Pathology successful because of further adhesion formation. Pathological changes occur both in the middle the surgical procedures undertaken are ear mucosa and the tympanic membrane. Exploratory tympanotomy wherein adhetissue proliferation from the inflamed mucosa. Tympanosclerosis means deposition of Adhesive Otitis Media 81 plaques of collagen with calcareous deposits when the tympanic membrane is normal and in the submucosa of the middle ear cavity. There is no When confined to the tympanic membrane, it family history but a past history of otitis media is called a chalk patch or Myringosclerosis. Tympanotomy may be Small plaques may not hamper the funcneeded to differentiate the two conditions. Tympanosclerosis is usually an end result of Small plaques may not need any treatment.

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This patient has becreased likelihood of anti-nuclear antibody secome susceptible to opportunistic disease ropositivity. This patient should be started on highly active antiretroviral therapy, which commonly 17. This patient has alincludes the nucleoside reverse transcriptase ready had several bacterial infections, most inhibitor zidovudine. Specifcally, the protein C3b is responsible for the opsonization of bacteria, and is Answer C is incorrect. It is due to a are particularly susceptible to extracellular sensitivity to gluten, which is found in wheat, pyogenic bacterial infections with organisms grains, and many cereals. Biopsy shows marked such as Haemophilus infuenzae, Streptococatrophy, total loss, or fattening of the villi of cus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and the small bowel. Abetalipoproteinemia fnding for Bruton patients is the absence, or is an autosomal recessive disease that causes a near absence, of tonsils and adenoids, which defect in the synthesis and export of lipids by are B-cell-rich tissues. Patients diagnosed with mucosal cells because of the inability to synBruton will need to be treated with replacethesize apolipoprotein B. However, the clinical cytes would result in a defect in cell-mediated time course, suggested gluten sensitivity, and immunity, and the patient would be more fndings on biopsy make viral enteritis unlikely. Decreased T cells are ally presents in middle-aged men who have seen in DiGeorge syndrome because of abmalabsorptive diarrhea, and the hallmark is the sence of thymus. Rod-shaped nation and family and patient history are all bacilli of the causal agent, Tropheryma whiphighly suggestive of an immunoglobulin defpelii, are found on electron microscopy. This clinician is are suggestive of selective IgA defciency, the concerned that the fetus may have erythromost common inherited immunodefciency blastosis fetalis (hemolytic disease of the newin the European population and, interestingly born). This disease is mediated by maternally enough, one that appears to have no striking derived IgG anti-Rh antibodies developed in disease associations. If the mother transfused with normal blood products conpossesses the antibodies developed from a pretaining IgA. Graft-versus-host disathy is a heterogeneous renal disease that is a ease is a potentially lethal side effect of bone consequence of immune complexes deposited marrow transplantation. Examples include anaphygeneral, immunosuppressants are used to minilaxis, asthma, hives, and local wheal and fare. Lupus nephritis is conity reactions are a group of T-cell-mediated sidered a heterogeneous renal disease that can pathologies. Examples include the tuberculin have a variety of presentations including active skin test, transplant rejection, and contact deror inactive diffuse, segmental, or global glomatitis.

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Do not waste time trying to use logic to convince preschoolers; they are concrete thinkers,; avoid frightening or misleading comments vii. Children with chronic illness or disabilities begin to be very self-conscious iii. With patients loosing baby teeth and getting adult teeth, one must be particularly careful when intubating ii. School aged children can understand simple explanations for illness and treatments iii. Reassure children that everything is going to be all right, if appropriate, and that they are not going to die vi. Relationships generally transition from mostly same sex ones to those with the opposite sex d. History (age, preceding symptoms, choking episode, underlying disease, sick contacts, prematurity) b. Physical findings (mental status, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, capnometry, work of breathing, color, heart rate, degree of aeration, presence of stridor or wheeze) 4. Chronic lung disease that usually occurs in infants form born prematurely and treated with positive pressure ventilation and high oxygen concentrations b. Recurrent respiratory infections and exercise induced bronchospasm are complications c. Inhaled medicationsbronchodilators (albuterol, ipratropium, racemic epinephrine) v. Oral and intramuscular medications (prednisolone, dexamethasone)Corticosteroids vi. History (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, urine output, fluid intake, blood loss, allergic symptoms, burns, accidental ingestion) b. Physical findings (heart rate, blood pressure, capillary refill, color, petechiae, mental status, mucous membranes, skin turgor, face/lip/tongue swelling) 4. Anaphylactic: subcutaneous epinephrine, intravenous antihistamines (diphenhydramine, ranitidine), and intravenous steroids d. History (age, sweating while feeding, cyanotic episodes, difficulty breathing, syncope, prior cardiac surgery, poor weight gain) Page 337 of 385 b. Physical findings (heart rate, blood pressure, capillary refill, color, mental status, cardiac murmurs/rubs/gallops, pulse oximetry, 4 extremity blood pressures) c. Causes of altered mental status in children (trauma, toxins, infection, electrolyte or glycemic imbalance, intussusception, seizure, uremia, intracranial bleed, intracranial mass) b.

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