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By: P. Gnar, M.B.A., M.D.

Assistant Professor, University of Alaska at Fairbanks

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In more severe cases, haemoglobinaemia and lost resulting in spherical transformation of the red cells haemoglobinuria may be present. It is, thus, the major site of red cell agglutinin disease and paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria. These cold antibodies are usually directed against the I any apparent cause (idiopathic) but about a quarter of antigen on the red cell surface. Most cold agglutinins affect usual clinical features are as follows: juvenile red blood cells. It is seen In each type of drug-induced immunohaemolytic 313 in the course of certain infections. Mycoplasma anaemia, discontinuation of the drug results in gradual pneumonia, infectious mononucleosis) and in lymphomas. Cyanosis affecting the cold exposed regions such as tips characterised by red cell fragmentation (schistocytosis). Direct external trauma to red Treatment consists of keeping the patient warm and blood cells when they pass through microcirculation, espe treating the underlying cause. Low reticulocyte count since young red cells are affected grafts develop haemolysis. IgM class cold antibody small vessels may occur in the following conditions: has specificity for I antigen, while the rare IgG class i) Abnormalities of the vessel wall. Drugs may cause immunohaemolytic anaemia by 3 different iii) Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome. A small All these conditions are described in relevant sections proportion of patients receiving methyl dopa develop separately. Bartonellosis by direct infection of red cells by the proteins to which an antibody forms. Septicaemia with Clostridium welchii by damaging the red red blood cells or platelets. Normally, the spleen acts as a filter peripheral blood showing numerous ring stages and a crescent of and traps the damaged red blood cells, destroys them and gametocyte. Other microorganisms such as pneumococci, staphylococci splenomegaly exaggerates the damaging effect to which the and Escherichia coli. Lead poisoning shows basophilic stippling of red blood therapy relieves the anaemia as well as improves the cells. There are 3 important types of disease of the cell membrane while normal clone also inherited red cell membrane defects: hereditary continues to proliferate.

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As these patients have little or no functional reserve, anemia has a serious and deleterious effect on hemodynamics because of a reduction in oxygen-carrying capacity and a demand for higher cardiac output. The thoracic aorta runs posterior to the left atrium, is rounded, and on dynamic imaging is pulsatile. The membrane of cor triatriatum separates the pulmonary venous chamber from the lower part of the atrium and is best seen from parasternal long-axis and apical views. Mitral valve prolapse results in late systolic sagging of the mitral valve, not anterior motion. This is typical of pulsus alternans, which occurs in severe systolic heart failure. Note there is reduced opening and duration of opening of the aortic valve with every other beat, and this results from reduced stroke volume with every other beat. Also note that, in this instance, pulsus alternans was triggered by a premature ventricular complex. As the conduit has become too small for her body size and flow requirements, it was functionally stenotic, resulting in a very high systolic gradient. This is a classic flow because of severe coarctation of the aorta with systolic and diastolic components. Note that the flow is into the aortic lumen throughout the cardiac cycle, indicative of retrograde flow in the intercostal artery. This occurs in collateral dependent distal perfusion as it occurs in severe aortic coarctation. This flow is across the foramen ovale due to excessive stretching produced by high atrial pressures. Focal velocity profiles of medial (yellow) and lateral annulus (green) are produced offline by placing samples in these regions. Note that the peak of lateral annulus velocity is about 150 ms after the medial annulus velocity peak, suggestive of septolateral mechanical dyssynchrony. There was good diastolic synchrony, as judged by annular E wave velocity profiles. Note that the units are in percent, which is percentage shortening compared with original length. This was anomalous circumflex coronary artery originating from right coronary artery with retroaortic course between aorta and left atrium.

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