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By: N. Sibur-Narad, MD

Deputy Director, Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Light chicken breeds (brown hybrids) are more prone than heavier breeds (white leghorns). It is common when birds raised in floor systems lay their eggs on the floor in crowded areas. This occurs after oviposition, when exposed mucus membranes stimulate pecking by other birds. Toe picking occurs commonly in young birds, while head picking is more common in older birds, especially in cages. The severely damaged and lost feathers, hemorrhages on the head, wings, tail, vent and other body areas are characteristic signs. Vent pecking may result in birds eating off portions of the intestines, resulting in death of the affected bird. Birds dying of cannibalism may show anemia, blood stained feathers and affected body areas, and may be missing visceral organs. Affected birds have poor thermoregulation, greater energy demands than others, and affected hens drop their egg production. Differential diagnosis: Traumatic body injuries, and diseases causing hemorrhagic diarrhea and diathesis. However, it could be related or stimulated or predisposed by overcrowding, bright light, temperature, pelleted feed or compressed feed, high-density rearing systems, mineral and nutritional deficiency, irritation by external parasites, injuries, foraging behavior or dust bathing, fearfulness, accelerated sexual maturity and increased egg production. Clinical signs and lesions: Clinical signs in most birds include nasal-ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, diarrhea, weakness, loss of body weight, and a reduction in feed consumption. In turkeys there is also respiratory distress and loose yellow to greenish yellow colored droppings. Chylamydiosis runs rather slowly through turkey flocks, with a maximum incidence of around 50 percent. Differential diagnosis: Chlamydiosis can clinically present similarly to fowl cholera, especially in turkeys. Viral infections (Newcastle disease, avian influenza, infectious bronchitis, swollen head syndrome) or Mycoplasmosis with colibacilosis may present similarly. Cause, transmission, and epidemiology: Chlamydiosis is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci. The disease was formerly called psittacosis or parrot fever when diagnosed in psittacine (curve-beaked) birds, and ornithosis when diagnosed in all other birds or in humans. Affected species include turkeys, pigeons, ducks, psittacine (curve-beaked) birds, captive and aviary birds, many other bird species, and other animals. Humans are susceptible, especially older and immunosuppressed individuals who are at a higher risk. Chlamydiosis in humans is an occupational disease of turkey growers, haulers, and processing workers in the live-bird areas and of workers in pet-bird aviaries although the incidence is rare.

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Intracellular reduced glutathione content, a biochemical indicator of oxidative stress, was decreased in urea-treated cells within 15 minutes of exposure. Compared to basal conditions (where approximately 5% of the immunoprecipitable Ras was activated), urea (12 g/L [200 mM]) increased Ras activation to 15. A stably transfected cell line with an expression plasmid containing a dominant-negative N17Ras mutation was used to further characterize the intracellular signaling pathway (defined as N17Ras-B7 cells). N17Ras induction inhibited urea inducible Egr-1 and Gadd153 transcription, indicating a role for wild-type Ras signaling in response to urea (data not provided). Overexpression of N17Ras also had no effect on urea-inducible apoptosis (400 mM urea) (data provided in a figure in Tian et al. Together, these studies suggest that Ras signaling may play a role in renal epithelial cell responses to urea-induced oxidative stress. Shc activation and recruitment of Grb2 (as assessed by immunoblots) were also observed after urea treatment (200 mM) (data provided in a figure in Zhang et al. The authors noted that 400 mM, but not 200 mM, urea increased caspase-3 activity (data not provided) and that this effect was increased by 266% after pretreatment of wortmannin (100 nM). Urea induced annexin V binding (a biochemical marker of apoptosis) increased 178% (compared to control) after pretreatment of wortmannin. Pretreatment with urea can protect renal medullary cells, but not 3T3 cells, from the proapoptotic effect of NaCl (Zhang et al. This was exemplified by using two biochemical indices of apoptosis, caspase-3 activation and annexin V binding. However, when urea was applied before NaCl treatment, a 61% inhibition of the NaCl-induced caspase-3 activation and a 63% inhibition of the NaCl-induced annexin V binding were observed (p < 0. Urea also was shown to block the proapoptotic effects of mannitol (data not provided). Urea treatment by itself decreased annexin V binding by 18%, which was statistically not significant. The proapoptotic effect (as evaluated by caspase-3 activation) was not observed when fibroblastic 3T3 cells were used (data provided in a figure in Zhang et al. Urea exposure resulted in downregulation of approximately 6% of 12,000 genes on the Murine Genome U74A GeneChip (Affymetrix) array, whereas 0. Of the upregulated genes, only 21 were upregulated significantly (threefold or more) in response to urea. In contrast, NaCl (100 mM) upregulated approximately 4% of the genes evaluated; 71 genes were upregulated sevenfold or more. Additionally, NaCl downregulated expression of approximately 12% of the 12,000 transcripts studied. These data supported earlier speculation that hyperosmotic urea and NaCl have different signaling mechanisms (Cohen and Gullans, 1993b).

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