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Agricultural work during pregnancy and selected structural malformations in Finland. Exocrine pancreatic pathology in female Harlan Sprague-Dawley rats after chronic treatment with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and dioxin-like compounds. Olfactory epithelial metaplasia and hyperplasia in female Harlan Sprague-Dawley rats following chronic treatment with polychlorinated biphenyls. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediates lefunomide-induced growth inhibition of melanoma cells. Evalua tion of immuno and reproductive toxicities and association between immunotoxicological and genotoxicological parameters in waste incineration workers. Dioxin stimulates synthesis and secretion of IgE-dependent histamine releasing factor. Increased expression of IgE-dependent histamine-releasing factor in endometriotic implants. Dioxin interferes in chromosomal positioning through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Toxicological implications of polymorphisms in receptors for xenobiotic chemicals: the case of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Epidemiological characteristics of chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes in women of agricultural communities of El Salvador. Prenatal organochlorine and methylmercury exposure and memory and learning in school-age children in communities near the New Bedford Harbor superfund site, M assachusetts. Occupational exposure to pesticides and lymphoid neoplasms among men: Results of a French case-control study. Psychological health of Australian Vietnam veterans and its relationship to combat. The physical and mental health of Australian Vietnam veterans 3 decades after the war and its relation to military service, combat, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Factors associated with civilian mortality in Australian Vietnam Veterans three decades after the war. A mortality analysis of employees engaged in the manufacture of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Cohort mortality study of chemical workers with potential exposure to the higher chlorinated dioxins.

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Numerous factors can influence the accuracy of pulse oximeters in the clinical environment however. Additionally, body temperature can cause as much as a 3% difference in the SpO2 measurements. This phenomenon is thought to be due to arterial to venous (A-V) shunting in the digits. There are conflicting studies regarding the effect on skin pigment and painted fingernails on the accuracy of pulse oximeters. In addition, pulse oximetry has been notoriously inaccurate in cyanotic congenital heart disease infants. However, factors such as motion and low perfusion in patients that are compromised can significantly affect the accuracy of SpO2 measurements. Thus, when evaluating the accuracy of a device it is important to review published clinical studies that test the performance of the device on compromised patients. A device that is marketed to have accuracy of + 2% in the 70% to 100% range may not achieve those results on a poorly perfused patient, or even worse, a poorly perfused, moving patient. Likewise, a device that has an accuracy claim of + 3% from 60% to 80% (for healthy adult volunteers) may not accurately display data on a cyanotic congenital heart disease infant whose SaO2 is chronically below 80%. For this reason, pulse oximeters need to be tested in all these clinical populations. Simply put, functional saturation is the amount of oxygenated blood compared to deoxygenated blood. This comparison has routinely been reported in the literature in the terms of bias and precision. Thus if the actual SaO2 is 94%, a device with + 3% accuracy can be expected to read SpO2 values between 91% to 97% approximately 2/3 of the time. The root mean square is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the square of the bias plus the square of the precision. Masimo tests its instruments for performance during motion and non motion conditions and during normal and low temperature to simulate clinical conditions. For calibration and validation studies, the radial artery of healthy subjects are cannulated to facilitate numerous samples. Figure 1 shows the SpO2 data that was obtained with the R25-L adult/ neonatal adhesive sensors during controlled desaturation from 100% to 60% on a population of healthy volunteers. For example data points would be grouped and accuracy expressed for the SpO2 ranges 50 to 70% or 60% to 80%. SaO2 for R25-L adult/neonatal adhesive sensors 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 %SaO2 Figure 1.

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Hemoglobin H disease has been reported during pregnancy with favorable outcomes despite moderate anemia; however, there have been too few reported cases from which to draw definitive conclusions. Pregnancy in women with b-thalassemia major is recommended only for those with normal cardiac function who have had prolonged hypertransfusion therapy to maintain hemoglobin levels at 10 g/dL and iron chelation therapy with deferoxamine. In cases in which fetal growth is suboptimal, patients should have fetal surveillance. Pregnant women with b-thalassemia minor and the associated asymptomatic anemia typically have favorable pregnancy outcomes. In the absence of documented iron deficiency anemia, replacement of iron beyond prophylactic doses is not indicated. Inherited Thrombophilias Inherited thrombophilias are a group of disorders characterized by a propensity for blood clotting. They are caused by defects in one or more of the clotting factors and often result in potentially dangerous thrombosis. In addition to the association between thrombophilias and thrombosis, there may be an associa tion between inherited thrombophilias and adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as fetal loss, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, and placental abruption; however, a definitive causal link has not been established. It is useful only when results will affect management decisions, and is not useful in situations where treatment is indicated for other risk factors. Screening may be considered in patients 216 Guidelines for Perinatal Care with a personal history of venous thromboembolism that was associated with a nonrecurrent risk factor (eg, fractures, surgery, and prolonged immobilization) or who have a first-degree relative with a history of high-risk thrombophilia or venous thromboembolism before age 50 years in the absence of other risk fac tors. Testing for inherited thrombophilias in women who have experienced a recur rence of fetal loss, placental abruption, previous intrauterine growth restriction, or previous preeclampsia is not recommended. Whenever possible, laboratory testing should be performed remote (after 6 weeks) from the thrombotic event while the patient is neither pregnant nor taking anticoagulation nor hormonal therapy. Management the decision to not use pharmacologic therapy or to treat with thrombopro phylaxis or full anticoagulation is influenced by the venous thromboembolism history, severity of inherited thrombophilia, and additional risk factors. All patients with inherited thrombophilias should undergo individualized risk assessment, which may modify management decisions. As the rate of obesity increases, the number of obese women of childbearing age considering bariatric surgery also increases, which results in questions about pregnancy after these types of surgeries. It is important for obstetric care providers to counsel obese patients with specific information concerning the maternal and fetal risks of obesity in pregnancy and to address prenatal and peripartum care considerations that may be especially relevant for obese patients, including those who have undergone bariatric surgery. Obesity During pregnancy, obese women are at increased risk of several adverse perina tal outcomes, including anesthetic, perioperative, and other maternal and fetal complications. Compared with nonobese women, obese patients are at high risk of preeclampsia; gestational diabetes; preterm birth; cesarean delivery; and Obstetric and Medical Complications 217 operative and postoperative complications, including prolonged operating times and increased rates of excessive blood loss, wound infection, thromboembo lism, and endometritis. Obese women are less likely to have a successful vaginal delivery than nonobese patients, and the success rate of attempted vaginal birth after cesarean delivery is very low in extremely obese women. Maternal obesity can have deleterious effects on the fetus, including increased risks of congenital anomalies, growth abnormalities, miscarriage, and stillbirth. The most common types of obesity-associated birth defects are related to the neural tube, cardiac systems, and facial clefting, even after controlling for the diabetes.

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The tivates the ipsilateral superior rectus and the patient could not follow a moving light to either contralateral inferior oblique muscles) and the side or up or down. Hearing was intact, as were posterior canal (which activates the ipsilateral facial, oropharyngeal, and tongue motor and sen superior oblique and contralateral inferior rec sory responses. Motor and sensory examination tus muscles) by caloric stimulation cancel each was also normal, tendon re exes were symmetric, other out. At that point, the pupils were tion of nystagmus is the direction of the fast pinpoint and the patient was unresponsive with component). This mnemonic can be con bility of a brainstem injury even without uncon fusing for inexperienced examiners, as the re sciousness. The absence of a or more eye muscles may become trapped response to caloric stimulation does not always by a blowout fracture of the orbit. Bilateral vestib portant to distinguish this cause of abnor ular failure occurs with phenytoin or tricyclic mal eye movements from damage to neural antidepressant toxicity. Inability to move the globe through pathways are spatially so close to those in a full range of movements may indicate a volved in producing wakefulness, it is rare for a trapped muscle and requires evaluation for patient to have acute damage to the oculo orbital fracture. Detailed descriptions are given tative lesions, as compressive or metabolic dis in the paragraphs below. Most individuals have orders generally do not affect the supranuclear a mild degree of exophoria when drowsy and ocular motor pathways asymmetrically. However, other structive lesion involving the frontal eye elds individuals have varying types of strabismus, causes the eyes to deviate toward the side of which may worsen as they become less re the lesion (away from the side of the associ sponsive and no longer attempt to maintain ated hemiparesis). An irritative determine the meaning of dysconjugate gaze lesion may cause deviation of the eyes away in a stuporous or comatose patient if nothing from the side of the lesion. These eye move is known about the presence of baseline stra ments represent seizure activity, and often bismus. For example, injury of gaze for several hours, causing lateral gaze to the oculomotor nucleus or nerve produces deviation toward the side of the affected cor exodeviation of the involved eye. Dam Combined loss of adduction and vertical age to the lateral pons, on the other hand, may movements in one eye indicates an oculomotor cause loss of eye movements toward that side nerve impairment. The lateral gaze devi severe ptosis on that side (so that if the patient ation in such patients cannot be overcome by is awake, he or she may not be aware of dip vestibular stimulation, whereas vigorous ocu lopia). In rare cases with a lesion of the ocu locephalic or caloric stimulation usually over lomotor nucleus, the weakness of the superior comes lateral gaze deviation due to a cortical rectus will be on the side opposite the other gaze paresis.