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In most of these countries, vaccination will be confned to high-risk population groups, such as school-age and preschool-age children, particularly in areas where antibiotic-resistant strains of S. Which of the two vaccines a country chooses depends on the capacity, logistics, and cultural context of its immunization programme. One is a Vi conjugate vaccine that protects about 85% of recipients, according to late-stage clinical trials, and appears to be effective in children under two years of age. A second candidate vaccine, further back in the R&D pipeline, is, like Ty21a, a live attenuated vaccine but, unlike Ty21a, can be given in a single oral dose. Vaccine scientists point out, though, that these newer typhoid vaccines have still several years to go before reaching the market. Action against the daily to ll of disease and death from typhoid fever in endemic populations is needed now and, although current new generation vaccines may not be perfect, they are available to meet that need. In most populations, varicella is a disease of children, and herpes zoster a disease of elderly people. However, the epidemiology of disease can vary, especially in tropical countries where infection and varicella may occur more often in older age groups. The hallmark symp to m of varicella is an itchy rash, consisting of blister-like vesicles. Seventeenth century medical documents describe chickenpox as a mild form of smallpox (139) but in 1767 the English physician William Heberden showed that the two diseases are distinct (1). It spreads from person- to -person through direct contact, or from the virus being sneezed or coughed in to the air or released from the vesicles on the skin. The most common, and sometimes life-threatening, complications of varicella are bacterial infections of the skin, which can occasionally become severe through spread to contiguous or distant parts of the body (1). Other bacterial infections (pneumonia, or infection of the bones or bloodstream), neurological conditions (uncontrollable muscle movement or brain infammation), and infamma to ry conditions (of the liver, kidneys, heart, or testicles) are prominent on the list of complications from varicella (139, 1). In pregnant women, the infection can cause congenital limb foetal abnormalities, brain damage, and death. Varicella infection itself induces lifelong immunity to chickenpox in virtually everyone whose immune system is working normally (139). In the United States alone, 43 million people are believed to be at risk of herpes zoster (1). Herpes zoster is characterized by a painful blistering rash along the distribution of the infected nerve cells (139). In many elderly people the rash and pain subside and resolve completely in a few weeks.

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Clinically, it is characterized by a purpuric rash on the skin and mucosae and a bleeding diathesis. In the oral mucosa, petechiae and ecchymoses usually occur, especially in the palate and buccal mucosa (Fig. Episodes of bleeding from the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts and epistaxis are likewise frequent findings. Idiopathic thrombo cy to penic purpura, petechiae and ecchymoses of the buccal mucosa. Uremic s to matitis is a relatively rare disor urinalysis and blood urea level determination. The oral lesions improve after of uremic s to matitis are recognized: a) ulcerative hemodialysis and improvement of the underlying s to matitis characterized by painful superficial renal failure. Metabolic Diseases the most common presenting symp to ms are fa Amyloidosis tigue, weakness, weight loss, edema, dyspnea, Amyloidosis is a rare metabolic disorder charac hoarseness, bleeding, pain, carpal tunnel syn terized by the extracellular deposition of a fibril drome, etc. Deposition in sufficient amounts in vital tissues the most common cutaneous lesions are purpura, and organs can induce symp to ms and signs or even petechiae, papules, nodules, and rarely bullous death. The oral mucosa is based on clinical, his to chemical, and immunologic involved early in the course of the disease, and the criteria; primary, secondary, senile, familial. The to ngue is characteristically affecting mainly men, usually older than the age of enlarged, firm, and indurated with red-yellowish 50 years. The infiltrates predominantly the gastrointestinal prognosis is unfavorable, with a mean survival tract, joints, skeletal muscles, heart, nervous sys period of about 2 years from the onset of symp tem, skin, oral mucosa, and rarely other organs. Oral paraplegia and other chronic neurologic diseases, infections and ulcers may also be seen. Hoarse ondary amyloidosis infiltrates predominantly the ness is the most characteristic symp to m present kidneys, spleen, liver, adrenals, and rarely other from infancy or early childhood and is due to organs. The oral mucosa and the skin are rarely incomplete closure of the vocal cords because of involved. His to pathologic examination of biopsy specimens is necessary to establish the Treatment. Ascorbic acid, colchicine, steroids, melphalan, and dimethyl sulfoxide have Treatment is supportive. Lipoid Proteinosis Lipoid proteinosis, or hyalinosis cutis et mucosae, or Urbach-Wiethe disease, is a rare hereditary metabolic disorder transmitted as an au to somal recessive trait. The disease primarily affects the skin, oral mucosa, larynx, and rarely other organs. These acnelike scars, although more evi dent on the face, are also seen on other skin regions. Verrucous hyperkera to tic lesions in areas exposed to pressure or trauma may also occur. The face, eyelid margin, pressure, and exposed areas are the most frequently affected sites.

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A company with controlled biological substances must, for example, maintain s to ck management and implement a certain degree of physical security, including an au to matic burglar alarm system. All companies with a licence are obliged to have a biosecurity officer (see Box 14. A biosecurity officer must be employed by the company, and have a relevant educational background. The biosecurity officer is obliged to keep him or herself updated on biosecurity matters. The biosecurity officer is the company contact point regarding all biosecurity matters, including during inspections. An important principle in Danish biosecurity is that a company with a licence is responsible for its own biosecurity. Not surprisingly, this places a high degree of trust and responsibility on the shoulders of the biosecurity officer. In this context it is often regarded as an advantage that the primary inspec to r is a scientist and able to explain the biosecurity rules. The primary inspec to r is always accompanied by at least one assistant, who is responsible for taking notes and pho to s. Only when dialogue repeatedly fails, can it become necessary to enforce the law, suspend the licence and report a company to the police. The objective is to discuss the scientific responsibility for preventing misuse of research results and methods in life sciences. The course includes a his to rical review of biological attacks and examples of dual-use agents. The emphasis of the course is on biosecurity measures, including strategies for raising biosecurity awareness among colleagues. The target groups are primarily health professionals, decision makers, police and emergency services. Typically, the courses consist of lectures on biological threats and the biological preparedness organisation in Denmark, occasionally supplemented by a two-hour table- to p exercise, in which a bioterrorism scenario is analysed and discussed. The Danish press frequently quoted information from the website during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014 (see Chapter 5). The company Inter research was hired to circulate a questionnaire, and it received 49 answers from 17 private and 29 public companies. One biosecurity officer wrote: "I met some very kind and competent persons, who to ok their time to investigate the facility and to speak with us.

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After repeated injections, scar tissue (tracks) develops along the course of such veins. Because of the easy identification of these marks, narcotic abusers may wear long sleeves at odd times. Females sometimes use makeup to cover marks and some males get tat to oed at injection sites. Because anyone injecting drugs must keep the equipment handy, it may be found on his person, or hidden nearby in a locker, washroom, or any place where temporary privacy may be found. Though narcotic pain medications can be injected, they can also be taken orally or as rectal supposi to ries. Oral preparations which can be abused include codeine in cough medicines and narcotic anti-diarrhea drugs. With all opioid-related drugs such as opium, heroin, meperidine, morphine, oxycodone, methadone, and hydromorphone, overdose produces similar clinical states. Depressed respiration requires close observation and may require manual or mechanical artificial respiration. Naloxone, a narcotic antagonist, may be indicated when a patient has signs of even mild respira to ry depression. Since naloxone does not cause respira to ry depression, dosing can be repeated and it can reverse some opioid-induced respira to ry depression. Naloxone has a relatively short duration of action, and must be re-administered frequently. The length of time it is needed depends upon many fac to rs including the duration of action of the narcotic the patient to ok. Short-acting narcotics such as heroin and morphine are cleared faster (and thus require naloxone for a shorter time) than longer acting drugs, such as methadone. Opioid-related drugs cause a physical dependence when used regularly and have a classic withdrawal or abstinence syndrome. A short-acting drug has a faster onset and shorter duration of withdrawal than a longer acting drug. Though opioid withdrawal is unpleasant, it is rarely life-threatening (unlike an overdose, which can be fatal. Various drugs, such as clonidine, can be prescribed to minimize the withdrawal symp to ms. Methadone and buprenorphine hydrochloride can be used for longer-term management of opioid dependence.

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However, treatment success will depend on the type of anthrax infection and how soon treatment can begin. However the vaccine is only recommended for individuals considered to be at high risk for exposure. The vaccine protects against cutaneous anthrax and is believed to be effective against inhaled spores in a biowarfare situation. As an agent of biological warfare, it is expected that a cloud of anthrax spores would be released at a strategic location to be inhaled by the individuals under attack. Epidemiology and Trends There were no reported human or animal cases of anthrax were reported in Indiana in 2011 or during the five-year reporting period 2007-2011. You can learn more about anthrax by visiting the following Web sites: emergency. Most cases of arboviral encephalitis occur from July through Oc to ber, when arthropods are most active. In warmer climates, cases may occur during the winter months because arthropods are active for longer periods of time. In Indiana, the ecological system that supports the transmitting mosqui to, Culiseta melanura, occurs only in the north central counties. From 1964 through 2009, an average of 102 cases were reported annually, there have been as many as 2000 cases during epidemic years. Symp to ms can become severe, affecting the central nervous system and eventually leading to seizures and coma. Healthy People 2020 Goal There is no Healthy People 2020 Goal for arboviral disease. You can learn more about arboviral encephalitis by visiting the following Web sites. The parasite attacks the red blood cells, causing their destruction and resulting in hemolytic anemia. On the East Coast and in the Midwestern states, the disease is transmitted by the bite of deer ticks infected with the Babesia parasite. The deer tick, Ixodes scapularis, lives on deer, meadow voles, and other small rodents such as deer mice. Deer ticks also transmit Lyme disease and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in Indiana. Co-infections of Lyme disease and Babesia have been identified in the New England states. Less common routes of Babesia infection include transfusion from an infected blood donor and from infected mother to her unborn child.

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