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The idea is that the conversation tutor whispers in the ear of the child what to say or do and when to say it. The tutor identifies the relevant cues and suggests or prompts appropriate replies, gradually encouraging the child to initiate his or her own dialogue. A classroom activity to encourage conversation is to arrange for the children to work in pairs. Each participant practises how to start and maintain a conversation with a friend. There may also need to be guidance and practice on the choice of topic, when to relin quish control of the conversation, and closure. The program can use video recordings of the activities to identify conversational errors and successes, and sections of television programmes and films that illustrate a breakdown in conversation skills. For young children this can be telling the story using a picture book with no words, and for older children there can be practice in the preparation of the story before an anticipated conversation occurs. The director, rather than therapist, provides a potential script, and coaching in body language, tone of voice and emotions. There is also guidance and practice in identifying what to say and how to say it when acting everyday situations. Eventually the script and new skills can be applied in reality rather than on stage. Sometimes the acting can be so convincing, the conversational partner has no idea how the conversation skills were acquired and who was the role model. Comic Strip Conversations, also originally developed by Carol Gray (1998), can be used to explain what someone may be thinking and feeling in a conversation.

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Sorting laundry: Categorization strategy application to an authentic learning activity by children with autism. Context-based assessment and intervention for problem behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder. Effects of a social skills intervention among high school students with intellectual disabilities and autism and their general education peers. An evaluation of two methods for increasing self-initiated verbalizations in autistic children. Increasing play skills of children with autism using activity schedules and correspondence training. Effects of verbal cues versus pictorial cues on the transfer of stimulus control for children with autism. Excipient(s) with known effect: Lactose For the full list of excipients, see section 6. Stimulants are not intended for use in the patient who exhibits symptoms secondary to environmental factors and/or other primary psychiatric disorders, including psychosis. A comprehensive history should document concomitant medications, past and present co-morbid medical and psychiatric disorders or symptoms, family history of sudden cardiac/unexplained death and accurate recording of pre-treatment height and weight on a growth chart (see section 4. Ongoing monitoring: Growth, psychiatric and cardiovascular status should be continuously monitored (see also section 4. Patients should be monitored for the risk of diversion, misuse and abuse of methylphenidate. Dose titration: Careful dose titration is necessary at the start of treatment with methylphenidate. Dose Children (over 6 years of age) and adolescents: Dosage may be adjusted in 9 mg increments between 18 mg and 36mg and consecutively in 18 mg increments to a maximum of 54 mg/day for children aged between 6-12 years and to a maximum of 72 mg/day for adolescents aged between 13-18 years. Adults: Dosage can be adjusted from an initial dose of 18 or 36 mg/day in 18mg increments to a maximum of 72mg/day taken once daily in the morning. A maximum dose of 108 mg/day have been included in clinical trials (see Clinical Trials). Daily dosage above 72 mg is not recommended for adolescents aged between 13-18 years.

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There can be increased social withdrawal due to a lack of social competence that decreases the opportunities to develop social maturity and ability. The depression can also affect motivation and energy for other previously enjoyable activities in the class room and at home. There can be changes in sleep patterns and appetite, and a negative attitude that pervades all aspects of life and, in extreme cases, talk of suicide, or impul sive or planned suicide attempts. Escape into imagination A more constructive internalization of thoughts and feelings of being socially defective can be to escape into imagination. Liane Holliday Willey explained that: When I think of my earliest years, I recall an overwhelming desire to be away from my peers. Having an imaginary friend is typical of the play of many young children and is not necessarily of clinical significance. Searching for an alternative world can lead some children to develop an interest in another country, culture, period of history or the world of animals, as described in the following passage by my sister-in-law. When I was about seven, I probably saw something in a book, which fascinated me and still does. Because of its foreignness it was totally alien and opposite to any one and any thing known to me. Looking at these faces, I could not be reminded of anyone who might have humil iated, frightened or rebuked me. The bottom line is I was turning my back on real life and its ability to hurt, and escaping. Sometimes the degree of imaginative thought can lead to an interest in fiction, both as a reader and author.

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