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By: Z. Rufus, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine

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As a physician, my priority is the preservation of that which is most precious to us all. The curriculum focused on writing and communication skills, medical ethics and core science knowledge. Additionally, the program encouraged team building, small group discussions about current medical developments and molding the future of healthcare. The following summer I participated in the Infectious Diseases Undergraduate Research Program at the University of Iowa. The summer long project added perspective to the obligations and responsibilities of being a physician. At the culmination of the eight weeks I understood the importance of medical research and the interdependency between the laboratory and clinical realms. I realized that it is critical to be immersed in medical literature and to foster an atmosphere that encourages aggressive medical research. The commission of every physician is to juxtapose ideas, plans and research with the unified goal of improving the quality of life. I will fill that necessity and I will provide the same quality of care that I desire to receive. As our chants reverberate off the empty walls, Cherry, a pregnant inmate who has been in this facility most of her adult life, takes the lead and we echo her moves. When I "go inside" I forget where I am; the women are eager to clip pictures for a collage, learn West African dance steps that I myself perform at Brown, or write poems on romance or motherhood. I, in turn, am humbled by the poems and artwork the women produce as the workshops provide a creative outlet to assert their unique stories. While researching the off praised fifty-year-old cooperative between Brown University and Tougaloo College, a historically Black private school located in rural Mississippi, I examined the past through narrative, and I unearthed personal accounts outlining a history that had long been forgotten. One day, I found a letter with "To be read and destroyed" scribbled in the margin. Newspaper clippings detailed community outrage at the firing, while hand-written flyers rallied student groups to oppose the Brown-Tougaloo relationship through demonstrations. The research took me to the tiny Tougaloo archives and back to Brown to conduct oral history interviews. The work was instrumental in providing Brown-Tougaloo exchange participants the opportunity to challenge misconceptions of their experiences; the documents we collected are now available on a website about the Brown-Tougaloo relationship and the events of the Civil Rights movement. For four years, I conducted biomedical research on the underlying reasons for increased incidence and mortality rates of prostate cancer in African-American men; this first taught me the importance of evaluating economic, social, and cultural histories for the insight they offer in examining health. While personal narrative offers patients distinct voices for their stories, in serving the needs of the people, physicians are afforded the unique opportunity to mediate and then to validate those narratives, bridging personal stories with physical observations. This fusion of the social and corporeal has been reiterated in my experiences as a student conducting clinical health research both domestically and abroad I shrug, wiping the perspiration off the side of my face onto my sleeve.

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Healthcare personnel should inform, educate, and communicate with > epidemiology mothers on body hygiene of their babies to avoid this disorder, which can cause > clinical features severe discomfort and sometimes lead to complications. Introduction with skin maceration due to prolonged or frequent contact with soiled diapers is often indicated. The study was conducted sociodemographic pro le of parents is summarized from February 1, 2017, to June 30, 2017 (5 months). Infants whose parents with a life-threatening emergency requiring immediate hos lived together were represented in 75. Infantshavinga frequency Thevariablesnotedwere:sexandageoftheinfant,ageofthe ofdiaperchangelessthan6 timesadaywerethemostaffected mother, frequency ofchange of the diapers, frequency of baths, by diaper rash (76. The most frequently used topical treatment practices performed for the infant, and clinical features. Wipes were the most used All infants enrolled at the vaccination and/or outpatient cleaningagentsfor theskinat75. Data were entered and analyzed with the software Epi the age of the infants ranged from 1 week to 24 months info version 3. Our results are similar to those were obtained from the administration of the hospital. Biranjia and Pandamikum in 2015 in the Mauritius island,8 whose study focused on diaper rash in babies less than 36 months of age. In the study in Mauritius, infants who Results During the study period, we received 1,155 infants aged from 7 weeks to 24 months. We examined 1,004 infants, of which Table 2 Sociodemographic pro le of the mothers or guardians 185 had a diaper rash, giving a prevalence of 18. Number Percentages (%) Agegroupofthemotherorguardian Table 1 Sociodemographic pro le of the infants (total number <20 years 8 4. Table 3 Hygiene practices (total number of patients: 185) if the diapers are not properly used, an occlusive effect may occur leading to an increase in skin hydration by inhibiting Number Percentages (%) skin evaporation and transdermal water losses and skin pH. In our study, infants whose frequency of diaper change Do you clean the child when he urinates This could be due tothefact that thisproduct is locally available and is most often recommended by health personnel in our health facilities for its hypoallergenic had had at least one previous episode of diaper rash were properties; nevertheless, the frequency of diaper rash was enrolled, unlike in ours. According to Moraillonl11 and Pierard-Franchi respect to the residence of the mother. Patients will tend to mont,13 the most frequent diaper rash lesions have the go to the nearest hospital whatever the setting.

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If bioavailability or patient compliance is of concern i/m or s/c administration may be necessary. Although the i/m, s/c and oral routes of administration are considered equipotent, a modest dose reduction is recommended when converting from oral to parenteral administration. Risks of liver biopsy may not be considered justifable in the elderly, in patients with severe psoriasis where alternative therapies are inappropriate or known to be ineffective and those who may be particularly vulnerable should complications occur. However, it is unclear if these co-morbidities, often seen in patients with psoriasis, are confounders that in themselves predispose to hepatotoxicity. Percutaneous liver biopsy is the gold standard for the detection of liver fbrosis/cirrhosis, but its disadvantages include non-diagnostic results due to sampling error and even with ultrasound guidance there is a small risk of serious complications including bleeding and death. This measurement has a sensitivity and specifcity of 74% and 79% respectively, so if normal, it is unlikely that signifcant liver fbrosis is present. For low risk patients a baseline liver biopsy is not routinely recommended, with a biopsy considered after 3. This is particularly liable to occur in the elderly during episodes of dehydration, or as a result of concomitant drug administration. This may be exacerbated by concomitant medications that have antifolate activity (see Important drug interactions). These changes are usually transient, asymptomatic and do not appear to be predictive of subsequent chronic hepatotoxicity. Toxicity can also be precipitated by factors that interfere with either the renal excretion of the drug, such as dehydration, or drug interactions. A source of folinic acid should be identifed by the prescribing physician for use in the event of overdose. The lowest possible dose required to maintain disease control should be prescribed. The safety profle is relatively favourable in terms of known long-term oncogenic risk. With acknowledgements to Jonathan Barker, author of this chapter in the 1st edition, and Jean Ayer who reviewed this chapter from an international perspective. Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: section 4. Guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with traditional systemic agents. Methotrexate in psoriasis: a systematic review of treatment modalities, incidence, risk factors and monitoring of liver toxicity. Diagnostic accuracy of noninvasive markers of liver fbrosis in patients with psoriasis taking methotrexate: a systematic review and meta-analysis. It inhibitsde novopurine synthesis via its active metabolite, mycophenolic acid, a potent selective and reversible inhibitor of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase. Lymphocytes are critically dependent for their proliferation on de novo synthesis of purines, whereas other cell types can use salvage pathways.

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The specific level to which parasitemia must be reduced to elicit the maximum therapeutic effect is also unclear. Human babesiosis in Europe: what siosis and erythrocytapheresis, red cell exchange, exchange, whole blood clinicians need to know. Babesiosis in Long Island: identified articles were searched for additional cases and trials. Exchange transfusion for malaria and Babesia infec after red blood cell exchange. Exchange trans prevention of Lyme disease, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, and fusion for babesiosis when, how, and how long Indian J Crit Care babesiosis: clinical practice guidelines by the infectious diseases society Med. Disruption of the sodium-potassium membrane pump results in an intracellular sodium shift contributing to progressive hypo volemia. Decreased myocardial contractil ity and inappropriate cardiac output may produce hemodynamic fragility. Current management/treatment the treatment in the immediate post-burn period is aggressive intravenous fluid resuscitation with crystalloid, though colloid solutions may be included, typically starting 12 to 24 hours post burn as part of salvage therapy. Patients with full-thickness burns, inhalation injury or resuscitation delay may have greater fluid requirements. Mortality was higher than predicted in both groups but was not statistically different between the two groups. References of the identified arti resuscitation and resuscitation endpoints in burns: Past, present and cles were searched for additional cases and trials. American Burn Association practice apy on circulating fibronectin in burned patients. Is there a role for plasmapheresis/exchange transfusion in therapy on postburn lymphocyte suppression. Recur rence rate in a mother with antibodies and a previously affected child is approximately 18%. This group used a similar regimen for 2 previous (successful reversion of 2nd degree) and 4 future (no eversion of 2nd or 3rd degree) pregnancies. Apheresis of pregnant patients should always be performed with caution and multidisciplinary support. Failure of intravenous immuno globulin to prevent congenital heart block: findings of a multicenter, Aslan E, Tarim E, Kilicdag E, Simsek E. Prenatal exposure to antimalarials Ruffatti A, Marson P, Svaluto-Moreolo G, et al.

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