Your financial support makes everything possible. It helps ensure that our unique, cross-cultural programs continue to provide an outlet for Chicago’s established and emerging artists and writers, and opportunities for provocative conversation between artists and audiences.
It helps us with things like paying featured artists and awarding contest prices, renting space for rehearsals and performances, hiring videographers to share event footage with new audiences, and keeping low ticket prices to all our events. Donations to the Guild Literary Complex help to:
Promote vibrant literature that contributes to society and community
Produce programs that engage audiences with dynamic voices and ideas
Showcase established and emerging writers in intimate settings
Keep programs geographically and economically accessible
Archive and disseminate programs beyond the event itself
Provide honorariums to our artists
To donate a one-time or recurring amount to the Guild Literary Complex, please fill out the donation form below:
Your donations in action:
Emerging Writers
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to put on events this year that showcased talented, up and coming writers and poets in Chicago.
Your dollars help us pay honorariums to Chicago writers and artists.
Contest Prizes
Every year we award cash prizes to the winners of the Gwendolyn Brooks Open Mic Award (GBOMA), and the Leon Forrest Prose Awards. This simply wouldn’t be possible if not for your generous contributions.