Guild Literary Complex

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FLECHO Book Fair

03/20/2024 @ 6:00 PM 03/24/2024 @ 8:00 PM

We are excited to announce, the Guild Complex will participate in FLECHO in Quibdo, Colombia!

From March 20-24, members of the Guild Complex along with 4 talented and creative Afro-Latin writers will travel and participate in this four-city traveling book fair which will culminate in Quibdo, Columbia. Participating writers include Kianny Antigua (New Hampshire), Alan Pelaz Lopez (California), Tiffanie Clark (Ohio), and Luis Tubens (Chicago) along with Mary Hawley, the long time coordinator for Palabra Pura. Along with these talented writers, a documentary filmmaker will follow along to capture this experience.

FLECHO is a program of MOTETE. A cultural arts organization, based in Colombia, that promotes the development of critical, autonomous and creative thinking for the exercise of active citizenships, through the generation of meetings around culture, reading, and the arts.

The Guild Complex was invited to be a part of FLECHO by a couple of the program organizers, Velia Vidal and Christian Vasquez after the Guild Complex collaborated with Vasquez on several Palabra Pura events in 2021 that included folks from the writing community in Colombia. This opportunity was born out of a mutual desire to extend the Guild’s programming mission of serving marginalized communities through the literary arts by showing up for this modest city whose population is made up of mostly Afro-Colombians. The goal being to bring in more writers who looked like the people of Quibdo and to show the diversity of voices brought forth by Palabra Pura. It is a unique opportunity like no other the Guild Complex has done before. This program is done with partial support from the Poetry Foundation.

About the Artists:

Alan Pelaez Lopez

Alan Pelaez Lopez is a poet, installation and adornment artist from Oaxaca, México. Their work attends to the quotidian realities of undocumented migrants in the United States, the Black condition in Latin America, and the intimate kinship units that trans and nonbinary people build in the face of violence. Their debut visual poetry collection, Intergalactic Travels: poems from a fugitive alien (The Operating System, 2020), was a finalist for the 2020 International Latino Book Award. They are also the author of the chapbook to love and mourn in the age of displacement (Nomadic Press, 2020). While they are an artist, Alan has also been organizing with undocumented migrants in the United States for over ten years and firmly believes that art is a portal into the future.

Alan Pelaez Lopez es une poeta, artista de instalación y de Oaxaca, México. Su trabajo atiende las realidades cotidianas de les migrantes indocumentades en los EUA, la condición negra/afro/cimarrona en América Latina y las unidades de parentesco íntimo que las personas trans y no binarias construyen frente a la violencia. Su poemario, Intergalactic Travels: poems from a fugitive alien (The Operating System, 2020), fue finalista del Premio Internacional del Libro Latino. También escribió el cordel to love and mourn in the age of displacement (Nomadic Press, 2020). Alan ha trabajado como organizadore comunitarie con inmigrantes indocumentades en los EUA durante más de diez años y cree firmemente que el arte es un portal hacia el futuro.

Kianny N. Antigua

Kianny N. Antigua. [Dominican Republic] Fiction writer, poet, translator, and audiobook narrator. Antigua has published over thirty books of children’s literature, fiction, and poetry; has won sixteen literary awards and her work have been included in a variety of anthologies, literary journals, and textbooks. Some have been translated into English, French and Italian. Translator of works by Angie Cruz, Elizabeth Acevedo, Ruth Behar, Lilliam Rivera, Lissette J. Norman & Lorgia García Peña. 

Kianny N. Antigua. [República Dominicana] Es escritora, traductora y narradora de audiolibros. Ha publicado 35 libros de narrativa y poesía, para adultes y chiquitines. Ha ganado 16 premios literarios y sus textos aparecen en múltiples antologías, libros, revistas y otros medios. Algunos de sus relatos han sido traducidos al inglés, francés e italiano. Ha traducido textos de Angie Cruz, Elizabeth Acevedo, Ruth Behar, Lilliam Rivera, Lissette J. Norman & Lorgia García Peña. 

Luis Tubens a.k.a Logan Lu

Luis Tubens, a.k.a “Logan Lu”, is a Chicago born, Puerto Rican spoken word artist and educator. He has toured the U.S., Mexico, and Puerto Rico, and was featured at Spoken Word Istanbul in Istanbul, Turkey in 2022. In 2014 and 2018 he represented Chicago at the National Poetry Slam. In 2022 he received the “First Voice Award” from the Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture. As an educator, he held workshops for the residents of the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and the Chicago Public Schools. He is the author of the poetry collection “Stone Eagle”. Currently, Luis is playing in the Latin funk band “ESSO Funk”, organizing “Slam Díaspora” poetry slam and, touring his latest theatrical production “Raíces to Roots”.  

Luis Tubens, también conocido como “Logan Lu”, es un artista de poesía en voz alta (spoken word) y educador puertorriqueño nacido en Chicago. Ha realizado giras por Estados Unidos, México y Puerto Rico, y en 2022 fue poeta invitado en el “Spoken Word Estambul” en Turquía. En 2014 y 2018 representó a Chicago en el “Slam Nacional de Poesía” (National Poetry Slam). En 2022 recibió el “Premio a la Primera Voz” del Centro para la Vida y la Cultura Urbanas de Chicago. Como educador, imparte talleres para los residentes del Centro de Detención Temporal Juvenil y para las escuelas públicas de Chicago. Es autor del poemario “Stone Eagle”. Actualmente, Luis se encuentra tocando en la banda “ESSO Funk”, organizando el slam de poesía “Slam Diáspora” y realizando una gira con su última producción teatral “Raíces to Roots”. 


Mary Hawley

Mary Hawley is a poet, fiction writer, and literary translator. She is the author of the poetry collection Double Tongues and co-translator of the bilingual anthology Shards of Light/Astillas de luz. Her poems and short stories have appeared in many magazines and anthologies, and in 2019 she received an Illinois Arts Council Literary Award in fiction. Her translation of Sergio Altesor Licandro’s Cuadernos de dibujo (1978-1993) was published in 2022, and she’s now translating a trilogy of novels by the same author. She is also collaborating with the Uruguayan poet Silvia Goldman on a poetry and translation project. She helps coordinate Palabra Pura, the bilingual literary series of the Guild Literary Complex of Chicago, and she is a volunteer interpreter for the National Immigrant Justice Center. She lives in Evanston, Illinois.

Mary Hawley es poeta, cuentista y traductora. Es autora del poemario Double Tongues y cotraductora de la antología bilingüe Shards of Light/Astillas de luz. Sus poemas y cuentos han aparecido en muchas revistas y antologías, y en 2019 recibió el Premio Literario del Consejo de Artes de Illinois en ficción. En 2022 se publicó su traducción en inglés de Cuadernos de dibujo (1978-1993) de Sergio Altesor Licandro, y ahora está traduciendo una trilogía de novelas por el mismo autor. También está colaborando con la poeta uruguaya Silvia Goldman en un proyecto de poesía y traducción. Ayuda a coordinar Palabra Pura, la serie literaria bilingüe del Guild Literary Complex de Chicago, y es intérprete voluntaria para el Centro Nacional de Justicia para Inmigrantes. Reside en Evanston, Illinois. 

Tiffanie R. Clark

Dr. Tiffanie R. Clark is a writer and researcher. She teaches language and literature courses at Central State University and Ashland University in Ohio. Since graduation from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio in 2020, she has published articles about contemporary Central American poets and spirituality in the works of Carmen Conde and Amado Nervo. Currently, she is translating and researching the poetry of late Central American author, German Salas. As a mother of three boys, her poetry and essays focus on motherhood, women’s experiences, spirituality, and nature.

Dra. Tiffanie R. Clark es una escritora e investigadora. Enseña cursos de literatura y lengua en la Universidad de Central State y la Universidad de Ashland en Ohio. Desde su graduación de la Universidad de Cincinnati en 2020, ha publicado artículos sobre poetas centroamericanos contemporáneos y la espiritualidad en la poesía de Carmen Conde y Amado Nervo. Actualmente, traduce e investiga la poesía del poeta centroamericano German Salas. Como madre de tres niños, su poesía y ensayos se centran en la maternidad, las experiencias de las mujeres, la espiritualidad y la naturaleza.