3 events found.
Palabra Pura with Rey Andújar, Jorge Frisancho and Juan Dicent (Bilingual Poetry)
IL, United StatesPalabra Pura continues its 2012 season with its first guest-curator evening with open mic and featured readers. Tonight's theme: Mutant Body/Cuerpo Migrante. The evening will present the body as a space for multiple questions related to the state of transition. What does the body leave behind in its translation/transfer? What does it acquire or adapt? […]
AWP Conference: Panel on Palabra Pura & Culturally Specific Reading Series
Hilton Chicago, Wilford A (3rd Floor) 720 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL, United StatesA panel on the history, evolution and future of culturally-specific reading series like Palabra Pura with a co-founder, former featured artists, curators and hosts of Palabra Pura.
Conference Registration Fee
AWP Conference: Reading with Michael Warr, Luis Rodriguez, and Patricia Smith
IL, United StatesExperience a true Chicago poetry experience with three of the founders of the city's original poetry scene. This powerhouse trio of poet/performers will deliver a Guild-style reunion.