El español está vivito y coleando en Estados Unidos; incluso, el país ha escalado a la cuarta posición con mayor número de hispanohablantes en el mundo. Se habla ampliamente en el ámbito público y privado, y no solamente por la comunidad latina. Con más de 42 millones de hablantes, el español es el segundo idioma […]
¡EN PERSONA! @ The Pub, Ida Noyes Hall (1212 E. 59th Street) 9pm Puertas AbrenComienza 9:30pm MCs: Crystal Vance y Luis Tubens Requisitos:Preparar 2 poemas de 3 minutos cada unoPoemas deben ser 75% en Español Más información sobre Feria del Libro
Inspired by the continued resilience of the Palestinian people and the rise of campus protests, Exhibit B and the Guild Literary Complex are hosting another fundraiser for the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. We were absolutely overwhelmed by the support for this event in early December and feel the continued need to do something tangible with […]
Christopher Stewart's latest book, What Came After is a poetic walk through grief, memory, and mental illness from a child perspective to adult understanding. It peers at life through the stain of poverty in the Midwest. In discussion with the author is John McCarthy, whose 2019 book, Scared Violent like Horses, offers a complementary perspective on childhood masculinity […]
At the American Writers Festival, there’s more than just book talk. Get ready for fun, community-driven activities for visitors of all ages. There’s so much to explore, from book signings to arts & crafts to special photo ops and more! The American Writers Festival, co-presented by the American Writers Museum and Chicago Public Library, is an […]
Join the Guild Complex, RHINO Poetry, Kundiman, and Luya Poetry for a celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander month with an evening of poetry readings from AAPI poets. ***We ask that all in-person attendees wear masks in the event space during the program for the health and well-being of the speaker and other guests. We will have a reception afterwards with […]
Join author Fulla Abdul-Jabbar in conversation with Mika Yamamoto for a celebration of her new book, Who Loves the Sun, with performances from Samara Huggins and Sonnenzimmer. Who Loves the Sun begins as a study of the scientific poster, in an attempt to understand the object and the people who make them. Eventually focus strays from this subject to explore how the […]
Fulla Abudul-Jabbar, Ignatius Valentine Aloysius, Tamara Mattews and Nat Holtzmann will be joining Exhibit B at Pilsen Community Books for an evening of readings and community.
COMENZAMOS! Ciclo oficial de Slam Diaspora— 30 de Mayo, 8pm hora chicago ✨🔥✨ Registracion abierta a cualquier poeta de reside en territorio EEUU! http://bit.ly.com/mayoslam24 Slam Diaspora es un colectivo que busca unir a poetas de la diáspora latinoamericana con poetas en latinoamérica usando el slam como nuestro punto de encuentro. que viva la poesía viva!