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By: Z. Mannig, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, University of Alabama School of Medicine

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Brussels sprouts are a good source of fiber and folate and an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C supports immune function and the manufacture of collagen, a protein that forms the basic substance of body structures including the skin, connective tissue, cartilage, and tendons. Because the body uses cholesterol to make bile acids, increasing bile acid production may balance blood cholesterol. It is part of a typical traditional diet in parts of Africa where people live very long and healthy lives. Being a member of the cruciferous family, it is endowed with anti-cancer indoles that help regulate estrogen and fight off colon cancer. It contains more beta carotene than spinach and twice as much lutein, the most of any vegetable tested. Both contain high concentrations of antioxidant oleic acid and mono unsaturated fat, similar to that in olive oil, known to protect arteries from damage. It is best to remove the skin by putting the almonds into boiled water for a few minutes. Nuts generally are high in antioxidant vitamin E, shown to protect against chest pain and artery damage. Brazil nuts are extremely rich in selenium, an antioxidant also linked to lower rates of heart disease and cancer. Walnuts contain ellagic acid, an antioxidant and cancer-inhibitor, and are high in omega-3 type oil. This makes them appropriate foods for those with glucose intolerance and diabetes. Beware of allergies and rancid nuts: Nuts, particularly peanuts (which are actually legumes), are a prime cause of acute allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Nut butters are also notorious for causing adverse reactions in the digestive system. Eat only fresh nuts, or if you prepare fresh nut butter, make sure to consume it in no less than two to three days. Avoid eating nuts that come mixed up with dried fruits or in commercially produced breakfast cereals (the nuts are pre-rancid or rancid, and the dried fruits contain fungi). Note: All nuts and seeds (and also grains) should ideally be soaked overnight, after which they can be heat-dried in the oven for 6-12 hours, and stored in a dry container. Soaking removes phytic acid, which can combine with important minerals in the intestinal tract and block their absorption, and thereby cause 217 Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation serious mineral deficiencies. Soaking also neutralizes toxic enzyme inhibitors that prevent digestion of proteins.

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A review of multiple studies published in the April 2009 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine concludes there is moderate scientific 8. Vitamin C levels in the body have been shown to correlate well with fruit and vegetable intake, and higher plasma vitamin C levels are linked to reduced risk of some chronic diseases. In a study involving over twenty thousand participants, people with the highest levels of circulating vitamin C had a 42 percent decreased risk for having a stroke. Cancer There is some evidence that a higher vitamin C intake is linked to a reduced risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, colon, and lung, but not all studies confirm this is true. As with the studies on cardiovascular disease, the reduced risk of cancer is the result of eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as fruits and vegetables, not from taking vitamin C supplements. In these studies, the specific protective effects of vitamin C cannot be separated from the many other beneficial chemicals in fruits and vegetables. Immunity Vitamin C does have several roles in the immune system, and many people increase vitamin C intake either from diet or supplements when they have a cold. Contrary to this popular practice, however, there is no good evidence that vitamin C prevents a cold. A review of more than fifty years of studies published in 2004 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews concludes that taking vitamin C routinely does not prevent colds in most people, but it does slightly reduce cold severity and duration. Moreover, taking megadoses (up to 4 grams per day) at the onset of a cold provides no benefits. There is some evidence that a higher intake of vitamin C reduces the risk of gout. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C the classic condition associated with vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. The signs and symptoms of scurvy include skin disorders, bleeding gums, painful joints, weakness, depression, and increased susceptibility to infections. Scurvy is prevented by having an Adequate Intake of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. High doses of vitamin C have been reported to cause numerous problems, but the only consistently shown side effects are gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea. There is some evidence that taking vitamin C supplements at high doses increases the likelihood of developing kidney stones, however, this effect is most often observed in people that already have multiple risk factors for kidney stones. Dietary Sources of Vitamin C Citrus fruits are great sources of vitamin C and so are many vegetables. Because vitamin C is water soluble, it leaches away from foods considerably during cooking, freezing, thawing, and canning. Therefore, to maximize vitamin C intake from foods, you should eat fruits and vegetables raw or lightly steamed. Vitamin A Functions and Health Benefits Vitamin A is a generic term for a group of similar compounds called retinoids.

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Adequate intake or synthesis of vitamin D is critical to ensure adequate absorption of calcium. This problem is compounded by increased use of sunscreens with high sun protection factors and an inefficiency of the skin to manufacture vitamin D as adults age. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Fluoride. Managing the obese patient after bariatric surgery: a case report of severe malnutrition and review of the literature. Modification of Protein Protein-Controlled Diet for Acute and Refractory Hepatic Encephalopathy. G-11 Table G-3: Daily Nutritional Requirements for Adults With Renal Disease Based on Type Of Therapy. Energy and protein are provided to attempt maintenance of nitrogen balance and support liver regeneration. Indications the diet is used in the treatment of acute and refractory hepatic encephalopathy associated with hepatic disorders, which may include the following: hepatitis cholestatic liver disease cirrhosis with acute and/or chronic encephalopathy Liver disease causes numerous metabolic problems that can affect all major nutrients and the assessment parameters commonly used to evaluate nutritional status of the patient with hepatic disease. The classic signs of liver disease are anorexia, weight loss, and nausea with marked deficiencies in energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals (1, 2). The widespread practice of protein restriction for all patients with cirrhosis is not justified and often leads to iatrogenic protein malnutrition (3). Although malnutrition does not correlate with the type of liver disease, therapeutic modifications vary according to the type and severity of hepatic insufficiency. A major goal of medical nutrition therapy in liver disease is to prevent and treat hepatic encephalopathy (1, 3). Hepatic disease can profoundly affect the nutritional status of the patient because of its effects on carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin, and mineral metabolism. Metabolic disorders of the following are commonly seen in the clinical setting of patients with hepatic insufficiency: Carbohydrates: Adverse effects can include hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia is most frequently seen in acute hepatitis or fulminant liver disease, probably due to impaired gluconeogenesis (1, 3). Hyperglycemia is commonly observed secondary to counteracting catabolic hormones and insulin resistance when superimposed by acute stress and injury (1). Soluble fiber is fermented in the colon by the same mechanism as lactulose, which eliminates ammonia in the form of ammonium ion and bacterial proteins (3).

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Subjects general cognitive abilities were assessed by the Genetic variance in metabolically healthy obesity Raven Standard Progressive Matrices, and working memory with the Digit M. Some obese individuals seem, however, to be protected or more statistical significance. At the population level, common obesity can be seen as a complex disease which is based on limited number of gene alleles of which each allele slight N. It is equally probable, that genetic factors affecting healthy obesity phenotype J16. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. We have characterized metabolically healthy obese individuals in ten Euro pean population based cohorts and will test an interaction between geno In recent years methods of trait mapping based on theories of linkage dise type and metabolically healthy obesity phenotype. Conversely, individuals can lead to the better knowledge about the pathology of obesi large domains with infrequent recombinations in which linkage disequili ty overall. We believe that understanding genetic and metabolic differences brium is maintained also exist. This can be the aim of this study was to develop a method based on genetic testing for achieved by describing the genetic structure of the populations that inhabi assessing health status of students of North-West Region of Russia within ted Bulgarian lands in the past and comparing it with the results obtained 4-6 years of training in higher education institution starting with the first from the study of contemporary Bulgarians. Conclusion: Our results revealed discrepancies and overlaps bet Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russian Federation. Furthermore, the distribution of genotypes in athletes terms of incidence and prevalence. The distribution of genotypes and the frequencies of alleles in tection of 96 patients with congenital recessive deafness (Kukmorsky-18, power-oriented athletes and a whole cohort of athletes were not different Drozhzhanovsky-13, Buinsky-31, Atninsky 6, Arsky 8, Aktanyshsky 11, from control. The frequency of M34T mutation was 1, 56%, the frequency of polymorphism V27I 4, 69%. Unexpectedly, screening of 35delG mutation in 710 healthy do Preeclampsia is one of the most frequent and complications of pregnancy. R272P) mutation, while their parents who are first-degree cousins 1 were all found heterozygous for the same mutation type.

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