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Dean Sheils, "A Cross-Cultural Study of Beliefs in Out-Of-The-Body Experiences, Waking and Sleeping," Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 49(775), March 1978, 697-741. Scott Rogo, "Astral projection in Tibetan Buddhist literature," International Journal of Parapsychology, 10(3), August 1968, 277-284. Becker, "The Centrality of Near-Death Experiences in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism," Anabiosis: the Journal for Near-Death Studies, 1(2), December 1981, 154-171. Alvarado, "Research on Spontaneous Out-Of-Body Experiences: A Review of Modern Developments, 1960-1984," in Betty Shapin & Lisette Coly (eds. Schmeidler, "Interpreting Reports of Out-Of-Body Experiences," Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 52(794), June 1983, 102-104. Gordon Greene, "Multiple Mind/Body Perspectives and the Out-Of-Body Experience," Anabiosis: the Journal for Near-Death Studies, 3(1), June 1983, 39-62. Whiteman, "Whiteman Replies to Chari," Parapsychological Journal of South Africa, 4(2), December 1983, 144-149. Many of these traditions survive today in cultural contexts where scientific medicine is unavailable either because of distance or cost. These modes of healing have been examined throughout the world by Stanley Krippner, professor of psychology and director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the Saybrook Institute in San Francisco. Krippner has coauthored (with Alberto Villoldo) Healing States and Realms of Healing. Stanley Krippner (courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions) In a Thinking Allowed interview, Dr. Krippner summarizes his understanding of shamanistic healing practices involving spiritualistic views: Some of the more sophisticated of the Brazilian practitioners have said, "You know, the worst black magic is the black magic we commit against ourselves. It is the sorcery that hurts ourselves when we think negative thoughts, or we hold onto a destructive self concept, or when we allow ourself to say negative, hostile things about ourselves and the people around us, and those sentences go over and over in our mind. It is no wonder, then, that people get stomach aches and backaches and headaches with those negative thought images going around. I then asked Krippner if he would extend his pragmatic point of view to situations where a healer is actually using out-and-out fraud, such as some of the cases of alleged psychic surgery, where fraud seems to be used and then people recover. He responded: the amazing thing is that there is a history of sleight of hand in shamanism, and sometimes the sleight of hand is used for very benign purposes. Healing Temples In the Egyptian temples of Imhotep an art of healing known as incubation was practiced. It is known that Imhotep is the architect who designed the first known pyramid for the Pharaoh Zosar around 2700 B.


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One final example of spo ken vocal costume should clarify the issue once and for all. Thanks to Alessandra Gallone (Milan) for answering questions about prerecorded phone voices in Italy [080225]. Restate in linea per non perdere la priorita acquisita? is what the flirting secretary voice says. This type of speech is usually frowned upon when used in the presence of other men. It involves traits of phonation that firstly enable the man adopting it to more easily carry out a particular activity, in this case that of talking to his significant other? in the way he imagines will please her. Secondly, the same man vocally assumes the role and acts the part of boy friend rather than that of one of the guys. Thirdly, he signals that he belongs to the social sphere of the couple by vocally conforming to the cul tural norms of conversation considered appropriate for that sphere of interaction, even to the extent of walking away from his male peers and telling them to shut up. Vocal persona 365 Singing as costume Differences between speaking and singing can be understood in two general ways: [1] in terms of use, function, context and connotation; [2] in sonic terms. If someone changes vocal mode from talking to singing you can say they burst into song? but no-one ever says that they burst into speech? from song because speech is in most situations the default vocal mode. The idea of song as an exceptional, special or heightened form of vocal expression can be understood in four ways. People in the urban West tend to sing more on spe cial occasions than in their day-to-day lives. We don?t usually burst into song while filling out tax returns or having lunch with work mates; but we might well sing at birthdays, weddings, funerals, the New Year, or on a night out in a karaoke club. We are also more likely to sing in patriotic or religious contexts where some aspect of ritualised transcendence is the order of the day. Circumstances of heightened emotion such as lulling your little child to sleep, falling in or out of love, righteous indignation, erotic arousal, deep sympathy or sorrow, painful sepa ration, great elation, bitter resentment, angry alienation, wondrous amazement, blissful contentment, etc. Christmas, international sports events), as well as in group-tribalist situations like football (soc cer) matches. Vocal persona song than what you feel when reading an instruction manual or attending a committee meeting. Put tersely, it can be worth making a song and dance? about some experiences but not about others. The Word of God merely spoken by an officiant under such acoustic conditions could easily end up as an incomprehensible sonic blur in the ears of the congregation. This historical observation reinforces the notion of song as transcendent?, more otherworldly? than speech. Although those four observations clearly suggest that song is a special or heightened mode of vocalisation, it could also be argued that singing is more down-to-earth, more somatic, or at least more directly emo tional, than talking, the dominant or default mode of vocal interaction among grown-ups. However, just as falling in love can be regarded as regression to emotions of infancy and at the same time an important step forwards in the personal development of adults,38 singing pro vides an instantaneous direct connection between, on the one hand, preverbal and/or nonverbal (infant and/or animal) vocalisation and, on the other, verbal vocalisation, all in the socially constructed cultural en vironment of a musical genre. For more on basic differences between singing and talking, see Sparshott (1997), 37.

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Cognitive deficits that contribute most to functional decline may include speed of processing, initi? ation, and attention rather than memory impairment. As the disease progresses, disability from problems such as impaired gait, dysarthria, and impulsive or irritable behaviors may substantially add to the level of impairment and daily care needs, over and above the care needs attributable to the cognitive decline. Severe choreic movements may substantially interfere with provision of care such as bathing, dressing, and toileting. Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition Diagnostic Criteria A. There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the neurocognitive disorder is the pathophysiological consequence of another medical condition. The cognitive deficits are not better explained by another mental disorder or another specific neurocognitive disorder. Coding note: For major neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition, with behavioral disturbance, code first the other medical condition, followed by the major neu? rocognitive disorder due to another medical condition, with behavioral disturbance. For major neurocognitive disorder due to an? other medical condition, without behavioral disturbance, code first the other medical condition, followed by the major neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition, without behavioral disturbance. Behavioral distur? bance cannot be coded but should still be indicated in writing. Unusual causes of central nervous system injury, such as electrical shock or intracranial radiation, are generally evident from the history. Diagnostic certainty regarding this relationship may be increased if the neuro? cognitive deficits ameliorate partially or stabilize in the context of treatment of the medical condition. Diagnostic iVlarlcers Associated physical examination and laboratory findings and other clinical features de? pend on the nature and severity of the medical condition. If cog? nitive deficits persist following successful treatment of an associated medical condition, then another etiology may be responsible for the cognitive decline. Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Multiple Etiologies Diagnostic Criteria A. There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the neurocognitive disorder is the pathophysiological consequence of more than one etio? logical process, excluding substances. Note: Please refer to the diagnostic criteria for the various neurocognitive disorders due to specific medical conditions for guidance on establishing the particular etiologies. The cognitive deficits are not better explained by another mental disorder and do not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium. Coding note: For major neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies, with behavioral disturbance, code 294.

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The termdementia is not precluded from use in the etiological subtypes where that term is standard. Diagnostic criteria are provided for both of these disorders, followed by diag? nostic criteria for different etiological subtypes. A diagnosis of personality disorder?trait specified,based on moderate or greater impairment in personality functioning and the presence of pathological personal? ity traits, replaces personality disorder not otherwise specified and provides a much more in? formative diagnosis for individuals who are not optimally described as having a specific personality disorder. A greater emphasis on personality functioning and trait-based criteria increases the stability and empirical bases of the disorders. Personality functioning and per? sonality traits also can be assessed whether or not the individual has a personality disor? der?a feature that provides clinically useful information about all individuals. A paraphilic disorder is a paraphilia that is currently causing dis? tress or impairment to the individual or a paraphilia whose satisfaction has entailed personal harm, or risk of harm, to others. A paraphilia is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for having a paraphilic disorder, and a paraphilia by itself does not automatically justify or require clinical intervention. A diagnosis would not be given to individuals whose symptoms meet Criterion A but not Cri? terion B?that is, to individuals who have a paraphilia but not a paraphilic disorder. Glossa Technical The rm s affect A pattern of observable behaviors that is the expression of a subjectively experi? enced feeling state (emotion). In contrast to mood, which refers to a pervasive and sustained emotional "climate," ajfect refers to more fluctuating changes in emotional "weather. Disturbances in affect include blunted Significant reduction in the intensity of emotional expression. There may be brief and concrete replies to questions and restriction in the amount of spontaneous speech (termed poverty of speech). Sometimes the speech is adequate in amoimt but conveys little information because it is overconcrete, overab? stract, repetitive, or stereotyped (termed poverty of content). When severe enough to be considered pathological, avolition is pervasive and prevents the person from com? pleting many different types of activities. Circadian rhythms have a cycle of about 24 hours, ultradian rhythms have a cycle that is shorter than 1 day, and infradian rhythms have a cycle that may last weeks or months. The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing anxiety or dis? tress, or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutral? ize or prevent or are clearly excessive. The symptom is not fully ex? plained by a neurological or another medical condition or the direct effects of a sub? stance and is not intentionally produced or feigned. When a false belief involves a value judgment, it is regarded as a delusion only when the judgment is so extreme as to defy credibility.

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