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By: P. Angar, M.B.A., M.D.

Clinical Director, University of Houston

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It is neither safe nor possible for either party to have a helpful conversation if the individual is intoxicated. Ask for trauma details only when it is necessary for trauma-specific interventions. For example, offer support to parents, keeping in mind legal responsibility to report child welfare concerns and make referrals as needed. Often, Aboriginal clients will not interact well with health systems, procedures or personnel, fearful that their traumatic experiences of neglect, disrespect and racism will re-occur. In summary, this gives the practitioner the actions: to reassure, to build trust, to acknowledge past trauma, to not blame the person, and be prepared to hear and to help them when the opportunity occurs. As professionals, we explained that if we needed to make the call, we would invite them to be in the room with us, to be able to hear our end of the conversation, if they wanted. Right to Complain For more information go to: camh ca/en/hospital/visiting camh/ rights and policies/Documents/billofclientrights pdf Collaboration & Choice Experiences of trauma often leave individuals feeling powerless, with little choice or control over what has happened to them (interpersonal violence, natural disaster, etc. It is imperative in trauma-informed practice that every effort is made to empower individuals (when working with children and youth, strategies for empowerment should be consistent with developmental stage). Offering choice, whenever possible, gives control and responsibility back to individuals. Choice can relate to all aspects of service, for example: how they will be contacted; who will be involved in their care; and what the priorities and goals of treatment will be [57]. Having a sense of personal control in interactions with practitioners who have more power is crucial to engagement and establishing and maintaining safety [53].


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A randomized controlled trial of the program involving 24 Air Force bases and more than 50,000 active-duty military members found reductions in alcohol abuse and prescription drug use (as well as suicidality and partner physical abuse), after controlling for the level of integrated delivery system functioning and command support (Heyman et al. The program funds the development of broad-based community coalitions to implement environmental prevention strategies that reduce the availability and consumption of alcoholic beverages by underage service members. The strategies employed include (1) enforcement aimed at reducing the social availability of alcohol, (2) compliance checks at alcohol establishments, (3) driving-under-the-influence checks, (4) education of state legislatures and development of local policies, (5) a media awareness campaign, and (6) provision of alternative activities to alcohol use. However, the policies provide little or no guidance for prevention strategies involving large-scale efforts to educate individuals on the risks and health consequences of the use of alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol and other drug abuse prevention curricula are included in the general military training provided by the services. These training programs vary among the services but can include the training of commanders and supervisors to recognize risk factors, serve as role models, and provide support for prevention. In the Air Force, Airman Leadership School or Non-Commissioned Officer Academy students receive education and training that emphasize leadership in delivering prevention, the identification and referral of substance abusers, and education and counseling processes. Research emphasizes the importance of training military leaders to identify at-risk personnel as early as possible in order to reduce risk of alcohol-related problems (Bray et al. Leadership skill building should focus on how best to approach military personnel in a way that encourages help-seeking behavior and reduces defensiveness, negative attitudes, and stigma (Bray et al. Screening and Brief Intervention Routine screening and brief interventions for alcohol misuse within primary care settings are two effective approaches used by the military to deal with alcohol abuse. Environmental Strategies In addition to efforts aimed at affecting individual behavior, there are also system-level or environmental prevention strategies that target the community at large. For example, during the past several decades, anti-smoking campaigns have resulted in major reductions in smoking initiation and tobacco use through a combination of higher prices. Such controls include restricting availability, increasing cost, and limiting permitted times and locations for the use of legal drugs. Until recently, the military had few control measures directed at changing environmental factors that contribute to alcohol misuse. However, in August 2013 reports in the Military Times announced that commanders in four major Army garrisons were, or were considering, restricting sales of liquor at post exchange stores operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. The types of restrictions would vary by garrison and would include halting the sale of hard liquor (not beer and wine) or the sale of all alcohol at certain store locations and limiting the hours that liquor is sold (Gould, 2013). The Army recently set limits on the length of prescriptions for controlled substances as well as on the quantity dispensed (U. Service members who need ongoing treatment with controlled substances will have greater contact with their prescribing physician, and those who are prescribed these medications on a short-term basis will not be allowed to use them beyond 30 days. For alcohol, Babor and colleagues (2010b) discuss four environmental policy approaches that are appropriate in the military context: strategies controlling affordability through pricing and taxation, restricting the availability of alcohol for purchase, altering the context in which alcohol is consumed.

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Borderline personality disorder should be distinguished from an identity problem, which is reserved for identity concerns related to a developmental phase. Interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior. Often lively and dramatic, they tend to draw attention to themselves and may initially charm new acquaintances by their enthusiasm, apparent openness, or flirtatiousness. These qualities wear thin, however, as these individuals continually demand to be the center of attention. Individuals with this disorder consistently use physical appearance to draw attention to themselves (Criterion 4). They are overly concerned with impressing others by their appearance and expend an excessive amount of time, energy, and money on clothes and grooming. They may "fish for compliments" regarding appearance and may be easily and excessively upset by a critical conunent about how they look or by a photograph that they regard as unflattering. These individuals have a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail (Criterion 5). Strong opinions are expressed with dramatic flair, but underlying reasons are usually vague and diffuse, without supporting facts and details. They may embarrass friends and acquaintances by an excessive public display of emotions.

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At the Federal level, the Breastfeeding Promotion Act introduced in 2007 by Representative Carolyn Maloney would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect breastfeeding mothers and provide tax incentives to employers offering breastfeeding support. To qualify, programs must focus on Healthy People 2010 goals and document effectiveness in reducing health risks and medical care costs. The program also offers disability management and occupational medicine, on site gyms, support for balancing work and life responsibilities, and counseling to resolve job performance issues. Participants have achieved reductions in weight, smoking rates and overall health risk status. The program has a strong data collection system to track participation, health and cost outcomes, and has resulted in fewer absences from work and $105 million in savings over three years. A marketing campaign aims to promote a culture of health, with resources including worksite clinics, flu shots, and work and home safety programs. Participants are rewarded with a variety of incentives, and 72 percent of employees and domestic partners completed Health Risk Assessments in 2006. The program has achieved significant risk reduction from baseline to one-year follow-up in all six areas targeted by interventions, with a reported return-on-investment of $1. The program is funded by mandatory monthly contributions from all employees; the contribution is waived for employees who both participate in risk assessments for tobacco use, blood pressure and Body Mass Index and follow up with steps to address their personal health risks. A cost-benefit analysis found that each dollar spent 93 on the program saved an average of $15. Corporate Voices facilitates research and develops innovative policy solutions to improve the lives of working families through partnerships linking the private sector, government and other stakeholders. Rigorous evaluations have documented positive impacts for Job Corps participants including higher-paying jobs and increased levels of 94 educational attainment and literacy. The program has received several awards for innovative design and integration of government services.

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