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By: Z. Karmok, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Assistant Professor, Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Starting in the third week postconception, clusters of angiogenic cardiac precursor cells develop in the lateral splanchnic mesoderm and migrate anteriorly toward the midline to fuse into a single heart tube. Heart tube pulsations are first recognized around day 21 to 22 postconception (day 35 to 36 menstrual age, end fifth gestational week). The heart develops according to well-defined major steps, namely (1) the formation of the primitive heart tube; (2) the looping of the heart tube; and (3) the septation of atria, ventricles, and outflow tracts (Fig. With looping and bulging, the primitive ventricle moves downward to the right, whereas the primitive atrium moves upward and to the left behind the ventricle. The paired branchial arteries with two aortae progressively regress, resulting in a left aortic arch with its corresponding bifurcations. On the venous side, different paired veins regress and fuse to develop the systemic venous system with the hepatic veins and superior and inferior venae cavae. The primitive atrium is divided into two by the formation of two septa, the septum primum and the septum secundum. Both septa fuse except for the foramen primum, which remains patent and becomes the foramen ovale with blood shunting from the right to the left atrium. The separation of the outflow tracts involves a spiral rotation of nearly 180 degrees, leading to the formation of a spiral aortopulmonary septum. This septum, resulting from the complete fusion of both bulbus and truncus ridges, separates the outflow tract into two arterial vessels, the aorta and pulmonary artery. Because of the spiraling of this septum, the pulmonary artery appears to twist around the ascending aorta. The bulbar development is responsible for incorporating the great vessels within their corresponding ventricle. In the right ventricle, the bulbus cordis is represented by the conus arteriosus, which is the infundibulum and in the left ventricle the bulbus cordis forms the walls 1 of the aortic vestibule, which is the septo-aortic and mitral-aortic continuity. B: the cardiac tube starts to loop with folding along the long axis and rotation to the right and ventral, resulting in a D-looped heart. It is recommended to follow a systematic step-by-step segmental approach to cardiac imaging. Although in the second trimester the screening cardiac examination can be performed with gray-scale ultrasound alone, in the first trimester, gray-scale ultrasound should be complemented by color Doppler, especially for the evaluation of the great 1 vessels. In our experience, the transvaginal ultrasound approach is recommended when the fetus is in transverse position low in the uterus, which provides for the closest distance from the transvaginal transducer to the fetal chest (see Chapter 3). Furthermore, the transvaginal approach is helpful in fetuses at less than 13 weeks of gestation or in the presence of suspected cardiac malformations. Ultrasound system optimization for the gray-scale cardiac examination in the first trimester is shown in Table 11.


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This assessment showed that the country has over 20 policies and strategies that have been put into place aimed at improving undernutrition including the 2005 Ghana Free of Malnutrition, the Community based Growth Promotion Programme and the Health Sector Programme of Work 2007 2011 [169]. Furthermore, the data information and reporting systems had not previously been centrally coordinated, making assessments on progress towards nutrition unclear [168]. The programmes cover a breadth of nutrition interventions in multiple sectors, but it is acknowledged that coordination and collaboration between government agencies may not work as effectively as they should. The Ministry of Food and Agriculture controls the food security and production budget; whereas Ministry of Health controls health aspects of nutrition, leading to competing sources of funding and no principle department with lead responsibility. The first nationwide comprehensive food security assessment was released in 2009 [170]. The two main policies designed to address food insecurity challenges include the National Social Protection Strategy whose objective was to provide policy direction regarding the protection of persons living in extreme poverty. The Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy plays a complementary role in supporting smallholder farmers with extension services to rural areas. There has been a 25% increase in cropped area, and a 36% and 50% increase in yields of maize and cassava respectively. These initiatives are an important first step, and should serve a solid foundation on which to build a comprehensive and durable response to hunger and undernutrition. The strongest lesson emerging from community-based, national, and international efforts is that making rapid gains in improving nutrition is possible. Through energetic and engaged national leadership in Africa and with the support of robust international partnerships, rapid progress in reducing levels of hunger and undernutrition is attainable. Accelerating nutrition security is less about the development of novel innovations and new technologies and more about putting what is already known into practice. Success will hinge on linking clear policies with effective delivery systems for an evidence-based and contextually relevant package of interventions that can rapidly be taken to scale. There is still room for research in developing the technical and scientific evidence underpinning interventions and understanding what works on the ground. The challenge is integrating the delivery of these interventions within locally owned, locally appropriate systems that facilitate high levels of cost-effective coverage on a sustained basis. This will take substantive and prioritized financial commitment at the national and international levels. Gibson, Traditional food-processing and preparation practices to enhance the bioavailability of micronutrients in plant-based diets.

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It starts early in systole and the ejection click that is often appreciated with moderate stenosis is not noted because it has merged with the first heart sound. If this patient had tetralogy of Fallot, the murmur would diminish as the pulmonary flow decreased, especially if this were a hypercyanotic spell. In that case, crying on the part of the infant, with a decrease in systemic vascular resistance, would increase the right to left shunt at the ventricular level and the cyanosis would become successively more profound. If the infant had an atrial septal defect with left to right shunt, one would expect a murmur in the pulmonic position, but not desaturation, as seen in this infant, and you might appreciate a fixed split to the second heart sound. The blood pressure in the lower extremity is normal and the femoral pulses are normal, making the diagnosis of coarctation much less likely. Coarctation could be associated with other left-sided obstructive lesions such as aortic stenosis, but the murmur in that case would be expected in the aortic position (the right upper sternal border). This patient has evidence of decreased pulmonary blood flow as the primary physiologic abnormality. In that situation, one would expect other signs of congestive heart failure, including hepatomegaly. A chest radiograph would help to differentiate excessive from decreased pulmonary flow. Pulmonic stenosis severity is differentiated by the gradient across the pulmonary valve on echocardiogram, as well as the estimated right ventricular pressure compared to the pressure in the left ventricle. If there is no left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, the left ventricular systolic pressure is estimated by the systolic blood pressure. Right ventricular pressure can be estimated if there is adequate tricuspid regurgitation to measure the difference between the right atrial and ventricular pressures. The tricuspid regurgitation velocity allows us to calculate the difference in the pressure of the right ventricle and right atrium. She has a history of migraine headaches that have improved with sumatriptan and naproxen as needed, but she continues to have severe headaches that affect her daily activity. The patient is concerned about feeling fatigued when she takes sumatriptan and is exploring more natural treatments for her migraines. She has done research on the internet and has questions about herbal supplements, such as butterbur and biofeedback therapy. Many patients seek alternative methods of treatment because of medication side effects or poor results with conventional therapy. Biofeedback may or may not be covered by insurance; however, this should not exclude its use by patients who have the resources to try this therapy. It is important to recognize that some herbal supplements can have serious side effects and interact with other medications. The patient-physician relationship should allow autonomy regarding treatment choices.

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Transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of endometrial thickness can be utilized in postmenopausal women to avoid unnecessary biopsies. In many patients, this is feasible and avoids the sensation of the tenaculum grasping the cervix. Once the suction is applied, the endometrial cavity should be thoroughly curetted in all directions, just as one would with a sharp curette during a D and C. If the cannula fills up with tissue, a second and even a third cannula should be inserted until tissue is no longer obtained. Because cramping occurs in such a small minority of patients, it is not our practice to routinely give an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis. For repeat biopsies, in patients known to cramp, it would be helpful to use such an agent at least 20 minutes before the procedure. Less than 10% of postmenopausal women cannot be adequately evaluated by office biopsy. Furthermore, if the uterus is not normal on pelvic examination, the office endometrial biopsy must yield to an in-hospital D and C with hysteroscopy in order to achieve accuracy of diagnosis. If vulva, vagina, and cervix appear normal on inspection, perimenopausal bleeding can be assumed to be intrauterine in origin. Normal endometrium is found over half the time, polyps in approximately 3%, endometrial hyperplasia about 15% of the time, and atrophic endometrium in the rest of patients with postmenopausal bleeding. Approximately 10% of patients who have benign findings at the initial evaluation will subsequently develop significant pathology within 2 years. Additional procedures include the following: Colposcopy and cervical biopsy for abnormal cytology or obvious lesions. Endocervical assessment by curettage for abnormal cytology (the endocervix must always be kept in mind as a source for abnormal cytology). Hysterogram, hysteroscopy, or ultrasonography with the uterine instillation of saline if bleeding persists to determine the presence of endometrial polyps or submucosal fibroids. The clinician must be confident in his or her technique, knowing that a full investigation of the intrauterine cavity has been accomplished, then as long as the patient does not persist in bleeding, this reading can be interpreted as comforting and benign, the absence of pathology. In the absence of organic disease, appropriate management of uterine bleeding is dependent on the age of the woman and endometrial tissue findings.

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