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By: L. Ingvar, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School
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Skin cancers are some times mistakenly thought to be warts by patients, and the pharmacist can establish how long the lesion has been present and any changes that have occurred. Peripheral neuropathy may mean that even extensive damage to the skin may not provoke a sensation of pain. Warts can be a major problem if the immune system is suppressed by either disease. The pharmacist should ask whether any treatment has been attempted already and if so, its identity and the method of use. Management Treatment of warts and verrucae aims to reduce the size of the lesion by gradual destruction of the skin. Continuous application of the selected preparation for several weeks or months may be needed and it is important to explain this to the patient if compliance with treatment is to be achieved. Salicylic acid Salicylic acid may be considered to be the treatment of choice for warts; it acts by softening and destroying the skin, thus mechanically removing infected tissue. Preparations are available in a variety of strengths, sometimes in collodion-type bases that help to retain the salicylic acid in contact with the wart. Ointments, gels and plasters containing salicylic acid provide a selection of methods of application. Preparations should be kept well away from the eyes and applied with an orange stick or other applica to r, not with the fingers. Formaldehyde Formaldehyde is used for the treatment of verrucae; it is considered to be less suitable for warts on the hands because of its irritant effect on the skin. The thicker skin layer on the sole of the feet protects against this irritant action. A gel formulation is available for the treatment of verrucae and is applied twice a day. Both formaldehyde and glutar aldehyde have an unpredictable action and are not first-line treat ments for warts, though they may be useful in resistant cases. Glutaraldehyde Glutaraldehyde is used in a 5% or 10% gel or solution to treat warts; it is not used for anogenital warts and is generally used for verrucae. Patients should be warned that glutar aldehyde will stain the skin brown, although this will fade after treatment has s to pped. Practical points Application of treatments Treatments containing salicylic acid should be applied daily.
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Engineering controls, including containment equipment and procedures, such as biosafety cabinets; 6. Procedures identifying the use of personal protective equipment to minimize exposure and any operations or conditions requiring respira to rs; 7. Efective decontamination and disinfection procedures for labora to ry surfaces and equipment; 8. Inspection procedures including an audit of biosafety procedures, to be performed at least annually; 10. Emergency procedures for uncontrolled releases within the labora to ry facility and untreated releases outside the labora to ry facility, including reporting such incidents to the local health ofcer; 11. Facilities that provide treatment, diagnosis, or housing to individuals requiring airborne infection isolation are covered under the full standard However, many jails refer those individuals immediately to a health care facility. Our thanks are also due to those community pharmacists who piloted this package: Barbara Luke, Joyce Hayden, Caroline Hannah, Seonaid Campbell and Margaret Bingham. However, pharmacies in England and Wales can offer minor ailments services as enhanced services within the pharmacy contract. You can find more information about this on the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee website The time scale is only a guide and your own professional judgement on the severity of the symp to ms and the general health of the patient will be useful to guide them. By undertaking these activities, you will find that the practical tips and learning points from them will prove extremely valuable in your day to day work as they allow you the opportunity to put your learning in to practice. You will find suggested responses to most of the activities, unless you are being asked to refiect on your own practice, or to seek out further information on a particular aspect. These case studies describe real life scenarios that have been presented to community pharmacists and how the pharmacist responded. This will also allow you opportunities to put your learning in to practice as you work through the course. Since each module covers a discreet to pic, you can complete the modules in any order you wish. Keeping up to date the information is accurate at time of publication but you may wish to keep up to date by checking appropriate resources, many of which are listed in Appendix 1 on p166.
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Effect of vaccination with a monova lent Lep to spira interrogans serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis vaccine on type hardjo-bovis infection of cattle. Comparison of three techniques to detect Lep to spira interrogans serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis in bovine urine. Effect of vaccination with a pentavalent lep to spiral vaccine containing Lep to spira interrogans serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis on type hardjo bovis infection in cattle. Evidence for sheep as a mainte nance host for Lep to spira interrogans serovar hardjo. Dihydrostrep to mycin treatment of bovine carri ers of Lep to spira interrogans serovar hardjo. Serological studies and isolations of serotype hardjo and Lep to spira biflexa strains from horses of Argentina. Relacion antigenica entre Lep to spira interrogans,cristalino y cornea equina, probada por enzimoinmunoensayo. Serologic correlation of suspected Lep to spira interrogans serovar pomona-induced uveitis in a group of horses. Vaccination against lep to spirosis: Protection of hamsters and swine against renal lep to spirosis by killed but intact gamma-irradiated or dihydrostrep to mycin-exposed Lep to spira pomona. Duration of immunity in cattle in response to a viable, avirulent Lep to spira pomona vaccine. Estudio epidemi ologico de un brote de lep to spirosis en banistas en el poblado de Jicotea de la provincia Ciego de Avila. La lep to spirosis como problema de salud humana y animal en America Latina y el area del Caribe. Etiology: the genus Listeria contains seven species, but only two are of interest in human and animal pathology: L. A notable difference between the two pathogenic species is their hemolytic ability. It is beta-hemolytic in blood agar and forms a narrow band of hemolysis around the colonies (unlike L. Most human (92%) and animal cases are caused by serovars 4b, 1/2b, and 1/2a (Bor to lussi et al.
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An estimated 5% to 20% of newborn infants weighing less than 1000 g at birth develop invasive candidia sis. Patients with neutrophil defects, such as chronic granuloma to us disease or myeloper oxidase defciency, also are at increased risk. Patients undergoing intravenous alimentation or receiving broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents, especially extended-spectrum cephalo sporins, carbapenems, and vancomycin, or requiring long-term indwelling central venous or peri to neal dialysis catheters have increased susceptibility to infection. Postsurgical patients can be at risk, particularly after cardiothoracic or abdominal procedures. Ophthalmologic examination can reveal typical retinal lesions that can result from candidemia. Lesions in the brain, kidney, liver, or spleen can be detected by ultrasonography, computed to mography, or magnetic reso nance imaging; however, these lesions typically do not appear by imaging until late in the course of disease or after neutropenia has resolved. A defnitive diagnosis of invasive candidiasis requires isolation of the organism from a normally sterile body site (eg, blood, cerebrospinal fuid, bone marrow) or demonstration of organisms in a tissue biopsy specimen. Negative results of culture for Candida species do not exclude invasive infection in immunocompromised hosts; in some settings, blood culture is only 50% sensitive. Recovery of the organism is expedited using blood culture systems that are biphasic or that use a lysis-centrifugation method. Another method of detection is the assay for (1,3)-beta-D-glucan from fungal cell walls, which does not distinguish Candida species from other fungi. Oral candidiasis in immunocompetent hosts is treated with oral nystatin suspension or clotrimazole troches applied to lesions. Fluconazole may be more effective than oral nystatin or clotrimazole troches and may be considered if other treatments fail. Fluconazole or itraconazole can be benefcial for immunocompromised patients with oropharyngeal candidiasis. Although cure rates with fuconazole are greater than with nystatin, relapse rates are comparable. Esophagitis caused by Candida species is treated with oral or intravenous fuconazole or oral itraconazole solutions for 14 to 21 days after clinical improvement. Alternatively, intravenous amphotericin B, voriconazole, caspofungin, micafungin, or anidulafungin (for people 18 years of age and older) can be used for refrac to ry, azole-resistant, or severe esophageal candidiasis. Duration of treatment depends on severity of illness and patient fac to rs, such as age and degree of immunocompromise. Skin infections are treated with to pical nystatin, miconazole, clotrimazole, nafti fne, ke to conazole, econazole, or ciclopirox (see Topical Drugs for Superfcial Fungal Infections, p 836). Vulvovaginal candidiasis is treated effectively with many to pical formulations, including clotrimazole, miconazole, bu to conazole, terconazole, and tioconazole. Oral azole agents (fuco nazole, itraconazole, and ke to conazole) also are effective and should be considered for recurrent or refrac to ry cases (see Recommended Doses of Parenteral and Oral Antifungal Drugs, p 831).
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