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The prognosis is guarded, with about 10% mortality, 30% remaining permanently paraplegic and 60% showing moderate to good recovery. It is estimated that neurological involvement will occur in about 7% of patients 10-25 years after primary infection, if primary syphilis is untreated. However despite the frequency of primary syphilis in Africa, neurosyphilis remains uncommon in many countries there. The reason for this has been ascribed to the continued widespread use of antibiotics inadvertently treating early infection or altering the natural history of clinical disease. However tabes dorsalis remains a distinctly uncommon clinical presentation in Africa. The serological prevalence rates are 3-6% in some of the worst afected communities. However this occurs in only 1-5% of persons infected with the virus with the majority being asymptomatic carriers. It occurs predominantly in females in their late teens or early 20s in Africa but may afect older women in their 30s and 40s in high income countries. The optic neuritis typically precedes the transverse myelitis but can also occur concurrently with it. The relapses are severe, occurring usually within 6 months of the frst and subsequent episodes. Long term prophylaxis with a combination of steroids and azathioprine or other forms of immunosuppression has been tried but the response is variable. Residual disability after an attack is usual with many patients becoming wheelchair or bed bound within 1 to 2 years of onset. The main spinal fndings are those of a myelopathy with brisk knee refexes and up going plantars. Tese typically occur in combination with signs of neuropathy, including absent ankle jerks and loss of peripheral sensation including joint position sense. Malabsorption may be caused either by a lack of intrinsic factor which seems to be quite uncommon in Africa and also by diseases of the terminal ileum. Diagnosis Diagnosis is by fnding the typical neurological fndings in combination with evidence of megaloblastic anaemia i. The dose is 1 mg on alternate days for a total of fve injections followed by 1 mg injections every 3 months for life. If intramuscular injections are not available then B-12 can sometimes be given orally, in a dose of 1 mg po daily. William Howlett Neurology in Africa 245 Chapter 10 paraplegia non traumatiC this may provide adequate replacement particularly in cases secondary to nutritional or dietary defciency. Tese disorders represent a distinct group of community based myeloneuropathies which result in paraplegia.
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