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By: I. Harek, M.A., M.D.

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This was shown in a lence rate – predominantly developing countries recent comparison between two surveys in the – tend to collect disability data through censuses United States of America that focused on the or use measures focused exclusively on a narrow work limitations of individuals and on actual choice of impairments (10–12). Countries are limitations and participation restrictions in 22 Chapter 2 Disability – a global picture Box 2. The Irish census and the disability survey of 2006 In April 2006 the Central Statistics Office in Ireland carried out a population census that included two questions on disability relating the presence of a long-term health condition and the impact of that condition on functioning. Completed questionnaires were received from 14 518 people who had reported a disability in the census and from 1551 who had not done so. This example shows that prevalence estimates can be affected by the number and type of questions, the level of-difficulty scale, the range of explicit disabilities, and the survey methodology. The differences between the two measures are mainly due to the domains included and the threshold of the definition of disability. If the domain coverage is narrow (for example, pain is excluded) many people experiencing difficulties in functioning may be excluded. Where resources permit, specific surveys on disability, with comprehensive domain coverage, should be carried out in addition to a census. They provide more comprehensive data, across age groups, for policy and programmes. Note: the actual questions used in the two surveys are available in the published reports. If institutionalized The question design and reporting source populations are included in a survey, prevalence can afect estimates. Tese factors infu a survey – whether a health or general survey, ence comparability at the national and interna for instance – will afect how people respond tional levels and the relevance of the data to a (14). While progress is being made “prevalence” between self-reported and meas – as with activity limitation studies in Lesotho, ured aspects of disability (15–18). Disability is Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe interpreted in relation to what is considered – accurate data on disability are mostly lacking normal functioning, which can vary based on for developing countries. For example, older persons may not self disability surveys (see Technical appendix B) identify as having a disability, despite having (22, 23). But the defnitions and methodolo signifcant difculties in functioning, because gies used vary so greatly between countries that they consider their level of functioning appro international comparisons still remain difcult. Parents or caregivers – the ing the Convention against a common set of natural proxy responders in surveys – may not indicators. Questions in surveys developed for adults national level and comparable at the global but used for children may also skew results.

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Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction A-C Medically documented injury with all of the following:  imaging finding(s) of healed displaced sacroiliac fracture(s) involving the sacroiliac joint or dislocation of the sacroiliac joint  residual symptoms  clinical findings consistent with the healed fracture(s) or dislocation. Clinical findings are one or more of the following:  deformity  tenderness,  pain elicited upon provocative testing -positive Patrick’s sign *** -positive Gaenslen’s sign****  gait dysfunction Class 6. Ramus/Rami A-B Medically documented injury with all of the following:  imaging finding(s) of healed, non-displaced or displaced single ramus, or bilateral and/or superior and inferior rami fracture(s);  residual symptoms;  clinical findings consistent with the fracture(s). Clinical findings are one or more of the following:  deformity;  leg-length discrepancy of > one inch identified by measurement and a positive Galeazzi test;*****  gait dysfunction;  positive Patrick sign. Ilium B-C Medically documented injury with the following:  imaging finding(s) of healed, non-displaced or displaced iliac fracture(s);  residual symptoms;  may have clinical findings consistent with the fracture(s) and correlated with residual symptoms. Clinical findings may be one or more of the following:  deformity;  leg-length discrepancy of > one inch identified by measurement and a positive Galeazzi test;*****  gait dysfunction;  range of motion limitation;  disuse atrophy Class 8. Ischium B-C Medically documented injury with all of the following:  imaging finding(s) of healed, non-displaced or displaced ischium fracture(s);  residual symptoms;  clinical findings consistent with the fracture(s). Clinical findings are one or more of the following:  tenderness;  gait dysfunction;  straight leg raise limited by pain in area of injury;  positive Patrick sign. Clinical findings are one or more of the following:  limited range of motion;  gait dysfunction;  positive Patrick sign. While the examiner holds the pelvis firm against the exam table, the affected hip is externally rotated by pushing the knee on the affected side laterally toward the exam table. To stabilize this position and immobilize the lumbar spine, the patient flexes the knee and hip of the contralateral leg and draws the leg as close to the torso as possible. The examiner then passively hyperextends the other leg (the one not in contact with the table). The examiner assess the position of both knees from the end of the table and from the side. Where one knee is higher than the other, either the tibia if that side is longer or the contralateral side is shorter. Where one knee projects farther forward than the other, either that femur is longer or the contralateral femur is shorter. If the degree of dyspnea indicates a less severe impairment category than the objective test results, then the objective test results control the selection of the impairment category. If the degree of dyspnea indicates a more severe impairment category than the objective test results, then a cardiopulmonary exercise test is indicated. Findings on physical examination of the lung have not been included as criteria in the impairment categories since they have not been demonstrated to predict function. These are the severity rankings for the Medical Impairment Classes of the Spine and Pelvis Schedules and should not be compared to the rankings in other Schedules. For example, a “C” ranking in the Spine Schedule is not intended to imply that a “C” ranking in the Respiratory Schedule is of equal severity. Divide the value obtained in “b” by the number of years between the two tests considered for comparison. If the value obtained in “c” is in excess of the value noted in the table for the corresponding time-interval, the loss of pulmonary function is in excess of the aging process.

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Hershkowitz, the Claimant was not suffering from worsening or deterioration in her neurological functioning. He explained that this timing was logical, because acute lower back pain will often improve with or without treatment over a six-to-twelve week period. Vincent had documented the Claimant’s overall improvement in her pain levels over his weeks of treatment. Pain down the thigh, which was the locus of the Claimant’s symptoms, does not imply radiculopathy, according to Dr. Somerville found radiculopathy on the left side, based on abnormalities he detected in four different levels on the left side. The tests given later to the Claimant found she had a disc herniation at L5-S1 on the right side. None of the physicians who examined the Claimant found that she had clinical signs of radiculopathy. The Claimant’s pain in the back of the thigh running down to her knee is not a sign of radiculopathy, which would produce pain in the leg and foot area. Her slight weakness related to weakness in muscle strength B it was not the type of sensory symptom seen when there is radiculopathy. Somerville did not detect any symptoms of numbness, which is the other presenting sign for radiculopathy. On, (Claimant), who was 54 years old and working as a bus driver, sustained a compensable injury, when she fell from a bus and landed on her buttocks. The Claimant developed low back pain that extended into her left thigh and left back regions. He found no neurological problems, and his notes do not reflect any signs that she had radiculopathy. Vincent assessed her condition on October 30, 2001, he found her neurological symptoms were normal, and he she had no radicular symptoms. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. However, neuroimag ing has often provided a surfeit of information from which salient features have to be identified, dependent upon the neurological examination. There are entries for ‘palinopsia’ and ‘environmental tilt’ both of which can only be elicited from the history and yet which have considerable significance. This book is directed to students and will be valuable to medical students, trainee neurologists, and professions allied to medicine. Neurologists often speak in shorthand and so entries such as ‘absence’ and ‘freezing’ are sensible and helpful. For the more mature student, there are the less usual as well as common eponyms to entice one to read further than the entry which took you first to the dictionary.

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The doctors who smoked (and Cigarette smoking causes rel those who later stopped smoking) atively few deaths before about had on average begun at 18 years Effects of smoking cigarettes 35 years of age but causes many of age. As all were smokers who start somewhat later have lived on for another 10, 20, 30, doctors, they were easily traced [6]. As long underlying causes of most deaths as due allowance is made for this British men, the frst severely were recorded reliably. During middle age smokers since early adult life but are were particularly informative about (35–69), 19% of the never-smokers still only in their twenties, thirties, or the full lifelong hazards of smoking and 42% of the cigarette smokers forties if they continue to smoke, and and the benefts of stopping because died. Much of Cigarette smoking is extraor cigarettes in early adult life and con this absolute difference of 23% in dinarily destructive (Box P7. It is common in the worst tobacco-attributed mortal smoking, because it mainly involved many populations, and where it has ity rates in the world [9–11]. The life differences in the numbers dying been widespread among young long effects of persistent cigarette from diseases that can be caused adults for many decades, at least half smoking, and the corresponding by smoking (lung cancer, heart dis of all persistent cigarette smokers benefts of stopping, can therefore ease, chronic lung disease, etc. The full hazards of smoking and the benefits of stopping: cancer mortality and overall mortality 587 Fig. The full eventual effects of smoking from early adult life in men in the United Kingdom (born 1900–1930), showing the lifelong hazards of smoking and the benefits of stopping at age 40 among male British doctors followed up until old age. Follow-up was from 1951 until 2001, with smoking recorded in 1951 and again every few years until 2001. Twenty-frst century hazards women found hazards comparable standardized for age and for many in women born around 1940 to those in men [3]. On average, smokers had Smoking even just a few cigarettes fore at high risk in later adult life if 3 times the overall mortality rate a day was suffcient to double the they continued to smoke. This 3-fold relative risk is Similarly extreme smoker ver sus nonsmoker mortality ratios dur ing the 2000s, and a similar 10-year Fig. The full eventual effects of smoking from early adult life in women (from difference in survival, have recently the Million Women Study during the 2000s of British women born around 1940): been reported for men and women multivariable-adjusted relative risks in never-smokers and in continuing smokers, by daily dose, (A) for all-cause mortality and (B) for lung cancer mortality. For each category, the area of the square is inversely proportional to the variance of the category-specific log risk, which also determines the confidence interval. The benefits of stopping at about 30, 40, or 50 years of age in a population where substantial effects of smoking are already apparent (from the Million Women Study during the 2000s of British women born around 1940): multivariable-adjusted relative risks (1. The group of continuing cigarette smokers and the groups who stopped at ages 25–34, 35–44, or 45–54 had all started at mean age about 19 years and all smoked about 15 cigarettes per day. The area of each square is inversely proportional to the variance of the log relative risk (vs never-smokers), which also determines the confidence interval. The age-stand ping at age 40 avoids about 90% of Those who stopped at 30 avoid ardized death rate from lung cancer the excess mortality among those ed 97% of the excess lung cancer in women who had never smoked who continue smoking [3]. Similarly risk a few decades later in those was about the same in all three stud extreme benefts of having stopped who continued.

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