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By: X. Lukjan, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

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En relacion a la compensacion y absorcion y hasta el momento de la reestructuracion salarial, se mantendran vigentes las clausulas recogidas en los distintos Convenios sectoriales que se vinieran aplicando. Aquellas empresas que tengan establecidas mejoras tanto salariales, como condiciones mas beneficiosas a sus trabajadores, que deriven bien de acuerdos con la representacion unitaria o bien de acuerdos individuales, y que examinadas en su conjunto y computo anual superen a las que resulten por aplicacion del presente Convenio, mantendran la naturaleza de dichos conceptos, es decir si eran compensables y absorbibles lo seguiran siendo y si no lo eran no. Las condiciones del presente Convenio forman un todo organico e indivisible y, a efectos de su aplicacion seran consideradas globalmente, asumiendo las partes su cumplimiento con vinculacion a la totalidad del mismo. En el supuesto de que la jurisdiccion social declarase la nulidad total del presente Convenio, las partes se comprometen en el plazo de treinta dias a constituir la Comision Negociadora encargada de elaborar un nuevo Convenio ajustado a la legalidad. En el caso de nulidad parcial que afectara a alguno de los articulos del Convenio, este debera ser revisado y reconsiderarse si asi lo requiere alguna de las partes. Las relaciones laborales de trabajadoras/es y empresas incluidas en su ambito funcional se regiran por las siguientes normas convencionales: 1. El Convenio colectivo Estatal de Restauracion Colectiva (2019) cuenta con una naturaleza de acuerdo marco que establece la estructura de la negociacion colectiva del sector y las reglas de concurrencia de los Convenios colectivos en el mismo; e incorpora la regulacion de condiciones de trabajo, considerando las regulaciones vigentes contenidas en los Convenios colectivos de ambito territorial menor al estatal. Las organizaciones firmantes determinan que no se podran crear nuevos ambitos autonomicos, salvo acuerdo en el seno de la Comision paritaria de este Convenio. Este Convenio sera por tanto el marco de aplicacion obligatoria para todas las empresas respecto de aquellas materias que no hayan sido reservadas como prioritarias para el Convenio de empresa segun el articulo 84. La negociacion de Convenios de empresa en el sector no debe cumplir, por tanto, un papel desestabilizador ni debe pretender utilizar dicho ambito como elemento o formula para rebajar las condiciones laborales. Siendo asi, las organizaciones patronales y sociales firmantes del presente Convenio colectivo, se comprometen a no fomentar ni admitir las practicas citadas que tengan como unico proposito rebajar las condiciones laborales sectoriales, en concreto, en las materias en las que el Convenio de empresa tiene prioridad aplicativa. Se designa una Comision paritaria de las partes firmantes del acuerdo, compuesta por representantes de las organizaciones empresariales y representantes de las organizaciones sindicales. Las atribuciones de la comision paritaria seran: a) Interpretacion del texto del presente Convenio colectivo. Incorporacion y adaptacion de los nuevos Convenios una vez hayan finalizado su vigencia inicial. A tal efecto la Comision paritaria establecera la lista de mediadores y arbitros; fomentara la utilizacion de los procedimientos de mediacion y arbitraje como via de solucion dialogada de los conflictos laborales; y analizara los resultados de estos procedimientos en funcion de los estudios e informes correspondientes. Si finalmente se alcanzara acuerdo entre las partes en cualquiera de los procesos anteriormente indicados, el mismo debera ser notificado a la comision paritaria en el plazo maximo de quince dias siguientes a su suscripcion. La inaplicacion del presente Convenio colectivo podra producirse respecto a las materias y causas senaladas en el articulo 82. La citada inaplicacion podra operar durante un plazo maximo que en ningun caso podra exceder de la vigencia del presente Convenio colectivo.

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Historically the upper quadrant screening exami of any scars, striae from pregnancy or weight gain/loss, pete nation conducted by physical therapists has not included chiae, or spider angiomas (see Fig. Assess the lower half of the breast and cal therapy differential diagnosis requires determination of the inframammary folds. Have the client place hands on the underlying soft tissue involvement and assesses the need hips and press down to contract the pectoralis major for medical referral. Observe for any undetected asymmetries or past and current medical history, clinical examination, changes. Have the client bend forward with arms relaxed at review of systems, and review of any associated signs and his/her sides. Palpate appropriate soft tissue structures according to Ask about a previous history of breast disease of any kind history and evaluation results. There is some evidence to suggest that the vertical pattern If yes, do you know what is causing this discharge Have (up and down pattern) is the most effective pattern for you received medical treatment for this problem If yes, has your physi [look for musculoskeletal cause]) cian examined/treated this Notes: Refer all suspicious lesions or aberrant tissue for medical evaluation and diagnosis. Pain corresponding to the epigastric, periumbilical, and lower midabdominal regions is shown in Fig.

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The research ers concluded that the specific features of individual dialectical behavior therapy are necessary for patients to show greater improvement than control groups. Linehan and Heard (150) re ported that more time with therapists does not account for improved outcome. Nonetheless, other special features of dialectical behavior therapy, such as the requirement for all therapists to meet weekly as a group, could contribute to the results. The patients with borderline personality disorder exhibited improvement in depression, hopeless ness, and suicidal ideation, but the improvement was not greater than it was for a control group. In this study, compared with control subjects, patients receiving the dialectical behavior therapy treatment showed a paradoxical increase in parasuicidal acting out during the brief hospitalization (average length of stay was 12. Barley and colleagues (152) compared dialectical behavior therapy received by patients with borderline personality disorder on a specialized personality disorder inpatient unit with treat ment as usual on a similar-sized inpatient unit. They found that the use of dialectical behavior therapy was associated with reduced parasuicidal behavior. It is unclear whether improvement was due to dialectical behavior therapy per se or to other elements of the specialized unit. Perris (153) reported preliminary findings from a small uncontrolled, naturalistic follow-up study of 13 patients with borderline personality disorder who received cognitive behavior ther apy similar to dialectical behavior therapy. Twelve patients were evaluated at a 2-year follow-up point, and all patients maintained the normalization of functioning that had been evident at the end of the study treatment. Treatment of Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder 51 Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. In summary, there are a number of studies in the literature suggesting that cognitive behavior therapy approaches may be effective for patients with borderline personality disorder. Most of these studies involved dialectical behavior therapy and were carried out by Linehan and her group. Replication studies by other groups in other centers are needed to confirm the validity and generalizability of these findings. The standard length of dialectical behavior therapy is approximately 1 year for the most commonly administered phase of the treatment. It involves 1 hour of individual therapy per week, more than 2 hours of group skills training per week (for either 6 or 12 months), and 1 hour of group process for the therapists per week. Other versions of dialectical behavior therapy, such as that administered in a brief inpatient setting (151), may be useful but are not necessarily more effective than other forms of inpatient treatment.


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Know the clinical features of patients who have various forms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis 5. Know appropriate therapeutic approaches to patients with Langerhans cell histiocytosis affecting the hypothalamus and the pituitary 6. Recognize characteristic behavioral patterns of children with either maternal deprivation or psychosocial dwarfism 8. Differentiate psychosocial dwarfism from other causes of short stature or failure to thrive 9. Differentiate hypothalamic from pituitary causes of sporadic multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies 10. Plan appropriate diagnostic studies and replacement therapies for sporadic multiple pituitary deficiencies dependent on age 11. Know the clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings of children and adolescents with craniopharyngiomas 12. Know the appropriate pre-, peri-, and postoperative endocrine management of patients with tumors of the pituitary and/or hypothalamic areas 14. Know the clinical characteristics and appropriate management of patients with an optic glioma 15. Know the differential diagnoses of midline tumors in the hypothalamic/pituitary area such as germinomas and pineal tumors 17. Know how to manage the endocrine requirements of hypopituitary patients before, during, and after undergoing minor or major surgical procedures 18. Know how to manage the endocrine requirements of hypopituitary patients during minor and severe medical illnesses 19. Know the management and prognosis of children with hormone deficiencies secondary to hypopituitarism that can present with hypoinsulinemic hypoglycemia 20. Understand the typical neuroendocrine alterations in patients with anorexia nervosa at low body weight 2. Know the usual neuroendocrine alterations in patients with psychosocial deprivation (dwarfism) 3. Know the common endocrine side effects of drugs used to treat major affective disorders 4. Know the typical neuroendocrine alterations in patients with severe weight loss 5. Know the value of combined dynamic hormone testing in evaluating pituitary hormone excess 6. Know the effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone on the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone b.

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