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By: P. Treslott, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Co-Director, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo

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Based on the findings of the Cologne Study in which the longitudinal course and outcome (follow-up for more than 25 years) of 101 schizoaffec tive, 106 affective and 148 schizophrenic patients were compared (Marneros et al. Are there any similarities between unipolar affective and unipolar schizo affective or between bipolar affective and bipolar schizoaffective disorders Educational level the educational level is higher in patients with bipolar schizoaffective disorders than in those with unipolar schizoaffective disorders. As a conse quence, a higher occupational status is more frequently represented in the group of bipolar patients. Premorbid personality In the group of unipolar schizoaffective disorders an accumulation of per sonalities with obsessoid, asthenic and low self-confidence traits can be observed. In the group of the bipolar schizoaffective disorders, personalities with sthenic features and high self-confidence are more frequent. No sig nificant differences between unipolar and bipolar schizoaffective patients 114 A. Rohde could be found with regard to the following sociobiographic variables: broken home, life events, stable heterosexual partnership before onset, social contacts, family history of mental disorders. However, bipolar schizoaffec tive patients became ill earlier than unipolar schizoaffective patients. Differences in longitudinal course We found that the course of bipolar schizoaffective disorders differs signifi cantly from that ofunipolar schizoaffective disorders. Patients with bipolar schizoaffective disorders have significantly more episodes, a higher annual frequency of episodes, more cycles and a higher annual frequency of cycles than unipolar schizoaffective disorders. Therefore, the polyphasic course of bipolar schizoaffective disorders is the most frequent type of course (see Figure 3). The cycles in bipolar schizoaffective disorders are usually shorter than in unipolar schizoaffective disorders (see Figure 4). Regarding long-term outcome we could find no relevant differences between unipolar and bipolar schizoaffective disorders. Obviously, Bipolar schizoaffective disorders 115 however, the long-term outcome is dependent on the number and frequency of episodes: the more frequent the episodes, the more unfavourable the long-term outcome. Usually patients with bipolar schizoaffective disorders relapse more frequently than unipolars, have more episodes and then per haps a more unfavourable outcome. However, this seems to be a function not of the bipolarity but of the number of episodes. However, we found exactly the same differences between the unipolar and bipolar schizo affective disorders (Marneros et al. With regard to long-term course, unipolar and bipolar affective disorders differ in number of episodes, annual frequency of episodes, number of 116 A. Exactly the same differences exist between the unipolar and bipolar schizoaffective disorders. We could find no differences, however, concerning long-term outcome, neither between unipolar and bipolar affective disorders nor between unipolar and bipolar schizoaffective disorders (if we consider only the same number of episodes).

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For a male, aged 63, with the abscess of the peritoneum, value of 8-OhdG on V day of hospitalization amounted to 16. For a male, aged 70, treated at the Intensive Care Ward with respiratory failure, the value of 8-OhdG on V day amounted to 3 ng/ml. The average values of 8-OhdG in the blood serum in patients with acute pancreatitis. In case of the patients with the mild form of acute pancreatitis, on I day the average value of 8-OhdG amounted to 2. In case of patients with the severe form of acute pancreatitis, the average value of 8-OhdG on I day amounted to 7. The analysis encompassed the results of the research on oxidation potential, anti-oxidation potential, interleukin-6 and the protein of acute phase. In this manner, the values making it possible to assess the level of advancement of the disease process and the risk of possible complications were obtained. The results of the research are the indicator of the dynamics of acute pancreatitis. In the course of the research, the analysis encompassed the influence of selected clinical parameters on the dynamics of the inflammatory process, and what was attempted, was the interpretation of the correlations between these parameters. These parameters were assessed in terms of their usefulness in the diagnostics and prognostics of the course of acute pancreatitis. At the separate stages of hospitalization, causal-result interdependencies between the researched parameters were determined. The levels of significance (p) for a group of patients with the mild form of pancreatitis are presented in Table 1, while for a group of patients with the severe form in Table 2. The results of the research were correlated in both of the groups of patients, with the mild and severe forms of acute pancreatitis. The analysis of the degree of dependence of parameters was presented with the use of correlation co-efficient. Table 3 illustrates the correlations for a group of patients with the mild course of acute pancreatitis, while Table 4 for a group of patients with the severe course. Intra-group correlations of a group of patients with the mild form of pancreatitis. Intra-group correlations of a group of patients with the severe form of acute pancreatitis. Discussion Acute pancreatitis is a disease of moderate-to-severe or severe course.

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Th e r e is a thick fibrovascular band that joins the lamina of the most cephalic vertebrae with the bifid lamina. Th is b a n d co n st r ict s t h e m e n in go ce le sa c a n d n e u r a l t is su e, ca u s in g a k in k in t h e su p e r io r s u r fa ce o f the meningocele. Th e d u r a is d e h isce n t a t t h e le ve l o f t h e d o r s a l m yelo s ch is is, a n d r e fle ct s o n t o t h e p la co d. Th e lipom a passes through this dehiscence to become attached to the dorsal surface of the placode, and may continue cephalad under intact arches with the possibility of extension into the central canal superiorly to levels without dorsal myeloschisis. The lipoma is distinct from the normal epidural fat which is looser and more areolar. Present at ion In a p e d iat r ic se r ie s, 56%p re se n the d w it h a back m ass, 32%w it h blad d e r p roblem s, an d 10% becau se 22 of foot deformities, paralysis or leg pain. Physical exam inat ion Alm o st a ll p a t ie n t s h a ve cu t a n e o u s st igm a t a o f t h e a s so cia t e d sp in a b ifid a: fa t t y s u b cu t a n e o u s p a d s (located over the m idline and usually extends asym m etrically to one side) w ith or w ithout dim ples, 23 port-wine stains, abnormal hair, dermal sinus opening, or skin appendages. Th e n e u r o lo gic e x a m m ay b e n o r m a l in u p t o 5 0 % o f p a t ie n t s (m o st p r e s e n t in g w it h sk in le s io n only). Present in alm ost all by definition, but 16 some may have segmentation anomalies instead such as butterfly vertebra (p. All p a t ie n t s sh o u ld h ave p r e o p u r o lo g ica l e va lu a t io n t o d o cu m e n t a n y d e ficit. Tr e a t m e n t Sin ce s ym p t o m s a r e d u e t o (1) t e t h e r in g o f t h e sp in a l co rd, e sp e cia lly d u r in g gr ow t h sp u r t s, a n d (2) compression due to progressive deposition of fat, especially during periods of rapid weight gain; the goals of surgery are to release the tethering and reduce the bulk of fatty tumor. Simple cosmetic treatment of the subcutaneous fat pad does not prevent neurologic deficit, and may make later definitive repair more di cult or im possible. Su r gical t r e at m e n t is in d icat e d w h e n t h e p at ie n t r e ach es 2 m on t h s of a ge, or at t h e t im e of d iag nosis if the patient presents later in life. Superior extension along dorsal surface of cord or into central canal is debulked as much as is safely possible 10. Usu a lly lo ca t e d a t e it h e r e n d o f n e u r a l tube: cephalic or caudal. Probably results from failure of the cutaneous ectoderm to separate from the neuro-ectoderm at the tim e of closure of the neural groove. Th e sin u s m ay t e r m in at e su p e r ficia lly, m ay co n n e ct w it h t h e co ccyx, o r m ay t r ave r se b e t w e e n normal vertebrae or through bifid spines to the dural tube.

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