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Secondary to that is to not be afraid of to consider before needing hospitalization after a threat or the answer given. In most cases, a important to consult with a mental health provider or physi mental health practitioner will have an idea of what needs cian to get that person immediate help. Chris Bader has been the counseling and sport psychologist for the University of Colorado athletics department since August 2012. Bader provides clinical, assessment and individual and team consultation to the student-athletes and coaches and helps incoming student-athletes adjust to their new environment. From 2007 to 2012, Bader was on staf in the Psychological Resources for Student-Athletes ofce at the University of Oklahoma. Heininger at frst tried to combat Heininger grew up in Ann Arbor and always dreamed his depression with the same single-minded determination of playing for the Wolverines one day. Then the symptoms That athletics mindset got me so far, so of depression set in after the summer of his freshman year. I felt Heininger said a contributing factor to his depression was like I?d failed because I couldn?t beat it myself,? he said. Heininger said that contrary to frst, a step he found worthwhile, but that alone was not what he imagined, almost everybody was super recep enough to bring him out of his depression. Initially he applied his new understanding of the na I had an irrational fear that I?d be weak in their eyes, ture of depression and why people experience it to help that they?d see me as unstable, someone they couldn?t his father, who had been experiencing some issues at trust,? Heininger said. Some try who advance de-stigmatization and improved aware people don?t think of athletes as human; they just see ness of mental health issues. But he did eventually open up to his coach, experi I believe in it if you save one life, you?ve done encing a self-described breakdown in his offce. That is when he found out about the support services In my ideal world, there is zero stigma associated with available to him and began to have therapy sessions with mental illness. Once he started therapy, Heininger Everybody would go to therapy, and there would be began to better understand depression. Most people don?t real issues written by Jassim Kunji and published in the Fall ly understand depression. In total, 19,733 student of 18 (about 18 percent) had a mental disorder, and nearly athletes and 171,601 non-athletes were included in the analyses. Both associated and demographic variables were in have been diagnosed with a mental disorder, such as anx cluded in the models. About 30 per associated variables included perceptions of general health, cent of the 195,000 respondents to a recent American Col perceptions of stress and substance use. These included: One of the primary concerns regarding the prevalence of??Academics mental illness among student-athletes is that it may affect??Career-related issue not only their success in academics and athletics but also??Death of a family member or friend their general well-being.

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In psychiatric populations the general conclusion drawn from most individual studies and research summaries, is that many of the sub-scales perform poorly with people who have severe mental illness (Carey et al. Copies of the self-administered questionnaire are available from: Global Screening, Assessment and Outcome Measures 33 A Review of Screening, Assessment and Outcome Measures for Drug and Alcohol Settings??Craig S. Administration of the interview form is somewhat lengthy and takes between 30-60 minutes. Scoring takes approximately 10-20 minutes and instructions for the original interviewer-administered format are included in the manual. Composite scores on the alcohol and drug use scales were similar across the two formats (r =. However, further validation of this questionnaire is required in other populations. A computer program was also developed to assist with administration and scoring (McLellan et al. Furthermore, an internet and automated phone administration method has also been developed (Brodey et al. It is a progressive and integrated series of measures and computer applications designed to support a number of treatment practices, including initial screenings; brief interventions; referrals; standardised clinical assessments for diagnosis and treatment planning; monitoring of changes in clinical status, service utilisation, and costs to society; and specific needs assessment and evaluation (Dennis, White et al. It can be summarised into eight broad sections background information, substance use, physical health, risk behaviors, mental health, environment, legal, and vocational information (Dennis, Chan, & Funk, 2006; Titus, Dennis, Lennox, & Scott, 2008). The scales are also highly correlated with measures of use from timeline follow-back measures, urine tests, collateral reports, treatment records, and blind psychiatric diagnosis (kappa? To simplify interpretation, a low severity level is assigned when 0-24% of the items are endorsed, moderate is assigned when 25-74% of the items are endorsed, and a high severity is designated by endorsement of 75-100% of the items on each scale. Using this same cut-off point to determine specificity resulted in correctly ruling out 42 to 73% of non-cases. Thus, the moderate/high cut-off point errs on the side of inclusion, with over Global Screening, Assessment and Outcome Measures 35 A Review of Screening, Assessment and Outcome Measures for Drug and Alcohol Settings identification of potential cases. Using the high severity cut-off point improved specificity to 97% or better, but reduced sensitivity to 49 to 74% (erring on the side of exclusion) (Titus et al. It has also been used successfully in prison populations (Friedmann, Melnick, Jiang, & Hamilton, 2008) However, there are a number of cultural limitations. While self-administration can be efficient and reliable, it typically leads to more missing data and may have less validity. The tool consists of two sections, screening for both mental health problems and D&A misuse. Finally, using a cut-off score of 10 the alcohol and drug subscale had optimal sensitivity (65%) and specificity (86%). While a score of 11 was found to be the best balance of sensitivity (83%) and specificity (84%) for the mental health subscale (Schlesinger et al.

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Some clinical presentations of ataque de nervios fulfill criteria for conditions other than panic attack. Also, cultural expectations may influence the classification of panic attacks as expected or unexpected, as cultural syndromes may create fear of certain situa? tions, ranging from interpersonal arguments (associated with ataque de nervios), to types of exertion (associated with khyal attacks), to atmospheric wind (associated with trunggio at? tacks). Clarification of the details of cultural attributions may aid in distinguishing ex? pected and unexpected panic attacks. For more information about cultural syndromes, see "Glossary of Cultural Concepts of Distress" in the Appendix to this manual. Gender-Related Diagnostic Issues Panic attacks are more common in females than in males, but clinical features or symp? toms of panic attacks do not differ between males and females. Diagnostic Markers Physiological recordings of naturally occurring panic attacks in individuals with panic disorder indicate abrupt surges of arousal, usually of heart rate, that reach a peak within minutes and subside within minutes, and for a proportion of these individuals the panic attack may be preceded by cardiorespiratory instabilities. Functional Consequences of Panic Attaclcs In the context of^co-occurring mental disorders, including anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, substance use disorders, psychotic disorders, and personality disorders, panic attacks are associated with increased symptom severity, higher rates of comorbidity and suicidality, and poorer treatment response. Also, full-symptom panic at? tacks typically are associated with greater morbidity. Panic attacks should not be diag? nosed if the episodes do not involve the essential feature of an abrupt surge of intense fear or intense discomfort, but rather other emotional states. Medical conditions that can cause or be misdiagnosed as panic attacks include hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, pheo chromocytoma, vestibular dysfunctions, seizure disorders, and cardiopulmonary con? ditions. A detailed history should be taken to determine if the individual had panic attacks prior to excessive substance use. Repeated unexpected panic attacks are required but are not sufficient for the diagnosis of panic disorder. Comorbidity Panic attacks are associated with increased likelihood of various comorbid mental dis? orders, including anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, impulse? control disorders, and substance use disorders. Panic attacks are associated with increased likelihood of later developing anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, and possibly other disorders. The individual fears or avoids these situations because of thoughts that escape might be difficult or help might not be available in the event of developing panic-like symp? toms or other incapacitating or embarrassing symptoms. The agoraphobic situations are actively avoided, require the presence of a companion, or are endured with intense fear or anxiety. The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual danger posed by the agoraphobic situations and to the sociocultural context. The fear, anxiety, or avoidance is persistent, typically lasting for 6 months or more. The fear, anxiety, or avoidance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. The fear, anxiety, or avoidance is not better explained by the symptoms of another men? tal disorder?for example, the symptoms are not confined to specific phobia, situational type; do not involve only social situations (as in social anxiety disorder): and are not re? lated exclusively to obsessions (as in obsessive-compulsive disorder), perceived defects or flaws inphysical appearance (as in body dysmo? Diagnostic Features the essential feature of agoraphobia is marked, or intense, fear or anxiety triggered by the real or anticipated exposure to a wide range of situations (Criterion A). The diagnosis re? quires endorsement of symptoms occurring in at least two of the following five situations: 1) using public transporation, such as automobiles, buses, trains, ships, or planes; 2) being in open spaces, such as parking lots, marketplaces, or bridges; 3) being in enclosed spaces, such as shops, theaters, or cinemas; 4) standing in line or being in a crowd; or 5) being out? side of the home alone.

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The alternator and voltage regulator were completely burned out and all the wiring was completely charred. Except for a few short intervals, they were unable to steer or brake the car for five hours. In three instances, individuals found themselves suddenly transported thousands of miles from Argentine or Brazil to Mexico. X" which was reported by the French 162 scientist Aime Michel in Flying Saucer Review in 1969. X," is the pseudonym for a well-known and respected physician who holds an important official position in southeast France. Early one morning in November 1968, the doctor was awakened by the cries of his fourteen month old son. He got up painfully, due to an injury he had received a few days earlier while chopping wood, and found the baby pointing toward light flashes coming in through the shuttered window. X observed two horizontal, disk-shaped objects that were silvery white on top and bright red underneath. The flashes were caused by a sudden burst of light between the two disks with a periodicity close to one second. As the doctor watched these disks they approached him and actually seemed to merge so there was only one disk from which emanated a single beam of white light. Then the disk began to flip from a horizontal to a vertical position, so it was seen as a circle standing on its edge. X had suffered from a partial paralysis of his right side from a war wound received ten years previously in Algeria. There are many unusual aspects of this case which are still being investigated by a competent team of researchers. One study, reported several years after the original sighting, noted that an odd red pigmentation has periodically appeared in a triangle shape around the naval of both Dr. Other phenomena of a psychokinetic nature have been noted such as levitation and poltergeist-type phenomena. This new attitude has been recognized by friends and relatives who also knew nothing of Dr. On other occasions, however, the effects of such contact more clearly resemble the symptoms of disease. For example, in December 1972, a 73 year old an Argentine watchman, Ventura Maceiras, observed a glowing craft hovering over a nearby grove of eucalyptus trees.

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